#1, by GlenfxMonday, 11. April 2016, 04:30 9 years ago
Hey guys, It's been a LOOONG time since I used visionaire and I can't remember some stuff and I think i'm mixing some procedures from other applications and it's bugging me a bit.
So I have a question about object containers like trunks or trap doors.
I have an object in a scene composed of a couple of pieces, so there is the static body and the lid on top of it. The lid has an animation of it opening so I call/play this animation in a frame of the character's open lid animation so his motion and the lid play at the right time.
This works quite well but I have two problems that I don't know if I'm solving in the best or right way.
First problem is when the lid animation is played, the closed static image of the lid is still being displayed, so In the first frame of the lid's animation I added an action of "set object visibility" to 0%, this seems like a solution since affects the image and not the animation of the same object, though I don't know if there is a more practical or simple solution to it (or if im doing it all wrong).
Second problem is, after the animation plays, the lid disappears, and I want to keep the last frame of the animation visible, so i want to have the animation stop at the last frame and still see it. But I don't see a "stop animation" action, there is a play/hide action, but I need a "stop animation" action, I can't seem to find it in the list.
To solve this I created a new object with the last frame of the lid's animation and a condition set to false in it's properties, and this one gets visible by changing the condition to true in the last frame of the lid animation and it works but now I have an extra lid object in the scene.
So in the end every cabinet, trunk, or any object that opens up has TWO objects, one for the closed state and animation and another one for the opened state... is this the standard/correct procedure?.