Open a book

  • #1, by divas1980Saturday, 31. May 2014, 12:35 11 years ago
    an inventory item is a book and would like it to open with the right key. But I would not make a scene,What should I use an interface? If yes in the interface I have seen that there is only show or hide groups (main inventory, inventory ecc ecc) but not a specific name.
    Thanks again smile


    46 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSaturday, 31. May 2014, 13:05 11 years ago
    it is possible to create new interface classes & it is also possible (via lua) to control individual interfaces by their name instead of by the class you have assigned them to.

    explorer tool is currently not working correctly in the public build, so if you want to create new interface classes then you will need to open up your .ved file inside of a text editor like notepad++ or sublime (make sure you backup your .ved beforehand). Then you would search for... "<InterfaceClasses".

    This will take you to the section containing all the interface classes your game. You should copy the last interface class block & paste it afterwards & then edit the details with a new class name & change the id & order values, then save the file.. the next time you open the .ved in vs, you should see your new class(es) in the class menu.

    Check the attachments for a better idea of what I'm talking about.

    P.S: I will not go into the lua side of things just yet...


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by divas1980Saturday, 31. May 2014, 13:58 11 years ago
    yes work!! tk y are a genius xD


    46 Posts