Old save files, new build

  • #1, by JoemcrWednesday, 08. February 2017, 22:38 8 years ago
    My understanding is that running a game using save files from a previous build can cause a lot of problems (sounds disappearing, characters disappearing etc.). I was wondering if there was any way of getting round these issues for post-release updates.
    For my beta I'm keeping a build number in the game title, so new save files are written with each update. But this is obviously not a very good solution for the final game, as it means players lose all their progress from previous builds.
    Any better ideas?


    96 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 09. February 2017, 00:24 8 years ago
    I believe it's mostly to do with difference between the xml data stored in the ved/vis files & that stored in a save file. If you say update some graphics, then it's probably not an issue, same with most action parts. The problem is most likely to do with new/updated/removed conditions, values & all the other things that get stored inside of a save file.

    If you create some new conditions the data for those won't be in the save file & the game will have to base it on the ved/vis data. Same thing if you edit or delete something as the engine will be trying to locate something that may no longer exist.

    I'm not 100% sure on exactly what gets written to save files, but I surmise it's mostly stuff, like conditions, values, positions of animations/objects/characters & so on.

    I recommend trying to iron out your game as much as possible before you release it. As a quick fix you could always personally generate & share some save files yourself from various parts of the game. Maybe the beginning of each chapter - bit shit, but it's better than nothing.


    7283 Posts

  • #3, by JoemcrFriday, 10. February 2017, 11:55 8 years ago
    Thanks for the info Lee smile


    96 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeFriday, 10. February 2017, 11:58 8 years ago
    Anyway, how's your game coming along?


    7283 Posts

  • #5, by JoemcrWednesday, 22. February 2017, 16:25 8 years ago
    Sorry Lee, I missed this question! Game is finished! Releases tomorrow! I need to get a post up here but SO MUCH TO DO :s


    96 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeWednesday, 22. February 2017, 17:49 8 years ago
    Sorry Lee, I missed this question! Game is finished! Releases tomorrow! I need to get a post up here but SO MUCH TO DO :s
    Wow, that was pretty quick. Doesn't seem like 2 minutes since the last one.

    Anyway, cheers for letting me know. Added it to the associated games list on the Steam group & to the game index page on the wiki. By the way 2 other VS games are coming out soon too; Midnight at the Celestial Palace is coming out in a couple days & I believe Paradigm is in the works for being released in the near future as well. smile


    7283 Posts

  • #7, by ke4Thursday, 23. February 2017, 19:08 8 years ago
    I did enjoy playing the early "demo" you were sharing here once. Didn't take you long to finish it. Nice work smile Looking forward playing the full version.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #8, by JoemcrSaturday, 25. February 2017, 10:40 8 years ago
    Took only a year in total. But that's working on it full time, and probably more hours than I should... smile


    96 Posts