Objects in background image

  • #1, by ygmantellThursday, 13. August 2015, 20:20 10 years ago
    I made a background with a few items in it. If I import it into Vis just as one image can I have the character interact with those objects. The character wont pick up the objects (obviously), but can I have him, lets say, read from a piece of paper on a desk, or push a button?

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    274 Posts

  • #2, by loro-gamesThursday, 13. August 2015, 21:03 10 years ago
    Hi Mate!

    Yes this is possible! The objects you create in your scene do not have to have an image attached to them. You can specify an object area for them and enter actions and so on.


    64 Posts

  • #3, by ygmantellThursday, 13. August 2015, 21:10 10 years ago
    Thanks you.

    Great Poster

    274 Posts