Object name at cursor?

  • #1, by JoemcrFriday, 24. October 2014, 10:27 10 years ago
    Hopefully this should be an easy one;

    I want the name of each object to appear next to the cursor when the cursor is over that object.

    I can achieve this be making a separate cursor for each object, with the text as part of the cursor, but this seems like an overly cumbersome workaround.

    Any better ideas?




    96 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 24. October 2014, 12:13 10 years ago
    Game Tab > Action Text > Display: Draw action text at cursor > Font: select font you want to use > Done.

    I believe this is what you were asking for no?

    P.S: you need to add names to objects & characters etc inside of their properties tabs for each available language you have defined in your game.


    7283 Posts

  • #3, by JoemcrFriday, 24. October 2014, 14:29 10 years ago
    Ha ha, perfect. I knew it would be easy! red



    96 Posts