'Object Center' Issue.

  • #1, by callumHartWednesday, 16. April 2014, 15:37 11 years ago
    Not sure if it's just me that has these simple issues, but now I'm having a problem with my object center.

    I've set it way above the object as I never intend the player to walk behind it, yet they still appear behind the object, am I doing it wrong?


    17 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 16. April 2014, 15:56 11 years ago
    It's probably because your scene objects are not in the correct order. click on the double yellow arrow icon to automatically organize the scene objects by their object center, save & run your game. Let me know if it fixes the issue. wink


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by callumHartWednesday, 16. April 2014, 16:06 11 years ago
    Why yes. Yes it did. grin


    17 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 16. April 2014, 16:30 11 years ago
    haha. most people make same mistake... I really should add a note about it to the wiki documentation. wink


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by callumHartWednesday, 16. April 2014, 16:53 11 years ago
    Thanks smile

    Just have another question though (beacuse I'm so good with this software red )

    With object interaction and hovering over.. is there a way to make it inaccessible until a certain action is performed. (for example = you can't click/hover over the plank until the room is brighter)


    17 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeWednesday, 16. April 2014, 16:57 11 years ago
    Instead of assigning the actions to the object containing the image (if you added the scene object as an image & it's not part of the background) instead you could create another scene object for the actions & assign a condition to it. unless the condition is met, the object & actions will remain inactive. Or you can add if queries to the actions to determine if some condition is met etc... Hope this helps explain things a little bit?


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by callumHartWednesday, 16. April 2014, 17:25 11 years ago
    I've tried to put it as a separate object with a condition but it's still active from the start, I don't think I'm selecting the right action for the object.. I can only find an action to change the object visibility which isn't making the object inactive at 0%. What action is it that would make it active/inactive?


    17 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeWednesday, 16. April 2014, 18:01 11 years ago
    inside of the objects properties tab you can assign a condition to it. if the linked condition is not true (or false if negate is selected) then the object will be inactive... but any assigned images/animations will also not be shown as well as all actions linked to the object will not be accessible either.


    7285 Posts

  • #9, by callumHartWednesday, 16. April 2014, 18:21 11 years ago
    Ah right, yeah assigning the condition there seems to have done the job thankyou smile


    17 Posts