Object area = visible pixels

  • #1, by LebosteinSunday, 25. January 2015, 11:43 10 years ago
    At the moment, the object area must be a polygon. But why the object area could not be the visible pixels of the object image optionally? I have seen, the characters use this functionality. The mouse cursor gets active on a character, if the cursor is over visible pixels of the character image. This feature seems implemented already.

    PS: by the way: There is a bug with a mirrored character animation. The cursor uses the unmirrored sprite to check if its on the character. Very noticeable if you have a side view of a giraffe for example.

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 25. January 2015, 12:09 10 years ago
    That's a nice idea. In regards to mirrored character animations: I know they can save time, but I really do not recommend using them. If you need to access them via Lua script, you can't.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by LebosteinSunday, 25. January 2015, 12:27 10 years ago
    This pixel based areas can be useful in interface section too (buttons, interface area...)

    Key Killer

    621 Posts