NPC's character animations way too fast

  • #1, by korpseSaturday, 21. November 2015, 15:13 10 years ago

    During a dialog scene, an NPC character should do a three frame facepalm animation (character animation), but I can't get the animation play slow enough. The character flickers so I pressume, that the animation is playing correctly, but it is damn fast. There should be 200 millisecond pauses, but no matter what I do, I can't get the animation to play correctly. Walking and talk animations work just fine.

    On the playable character, the animations work just right. What should I do to get the three frame facepalm animation running steadily with 200 millisecond pauses during the dialog?


    25 Posts

  • #2, by korpseMonday, 23. November 2015, 10:15 10 years ago
    I actually found a way to slow the animations down. I did an outfit for the three frame facepalm reaction, swapped it for the character and paused for the amount of milliseconds the animation loop took to complete and then swapped the original outfit back. That took care of the problem, but we intend to have LOADS of more reaction animations and doing them this way seems quite laborous. Is there any way to slow the NPC animations down? I imagine we need to do this kind of workaround for every NPC character in our game.


    25 Posts

  • #3, by SimonSMonday, 23. November 2015, 10:19 10 years ago
    Hi, you need to check if the animation is set to use individual pauses, in that case the value on the right side will be used (default = -1), you might want to uncheck that for all your animations and set only the value in the options.

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  • #4, by korpseMonday, 23. November 2015, 10:52 10 years ago
    I already tried that and that didn't have any effect.


    25 Posts

  • #5, by MachtnixMonday, 23. November 2015, 18:23 10 years ago
    Maybe you can duplicate the three frames. Every frame will shown f.e. ten times. You will get an animation with 30 frames (mostly 1 second). It's a fake and not very ergonomicly, but it should work.

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