npc display text

  • #1, by ygmantellWednesday, 16. September 2015, 15:11 9 years ago
    I make an action, where an npc says something via the display text action, and when I run the game, the text appears in the top left corner. How do I make it appear above the NPC?

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  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 16. September 2015, 15:47 9 years ago
    The NPC is a character or a scene object? You are definitely using the display text action part linked to the NPC character? You have defined the correct animation center for each of the NPC characters animations?


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by ygmantellWednesday, 16. September 2015, 18:34 9 years ago
    The NPC is a character, and I am using the display text action that is linked to the NPC. I also made sure all of the animation centers are correct.

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  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 16. September 2015, 18:53 9 years ago
    The width / height of the character animations aren't too big are they? Are you using a registerHookFunction() to reposition the text?


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by ygmantellWednesday, 16. September 2015, 18:57 9 years ago
    No, I am using a re-skinned version of the main character. And I am not using any hooks, or scripts.

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  • #6, by sebastianWednesday, 16. September 2015, 19:34 9 years ago
    I think Lee means if the size of the sprite is very big in width and height. THe text will be placed above the sprite, so when there is a lot of transparent space between head and the real top of the sprite it could be possible that the text gets pushed to the side.

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  • #7, by afrlmeWednesday, 16. September 2015, 19:57 9 years ago
    I think Lee means if the size of the sprite is very big in width and height. THe text will be placed above the sprite, so when there is a lot of transparent space between head and the real top of the sprite it could be possible that the text gets pushed to the side.

    Yep, exactly what I meant. wink

    Quick note: image / animation sprite positions are based on the top left pixel of each image / animation frame. Text above characters is placed based on the center position of the animation normally & above the top most pixel of the animation minus the font size (more or less).


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  • #8, by ygmantellWednesday, 16. September 2015, 20:51 9 years ago
    I understand, the NPC animations, are the same as the main character animations regarding size. So, i dont think that is the issue.

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  • #9, by sebastianWednesday, 16. September 2015, 21:01 9 years ago
    can you post a screenshot which shows what happens and also the name the size of the character sprite and the game resolution?

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  • #10, by afrlmeWednesday, 16. September 2015, 21:30 9 years ago
    If you don't manage to sort it out in the near future then feel free (if you want) to send me your ved & resources as it would make it much easier for me to pinpoint the issue, whether it's user error or editor related.


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  • #11, by ygmantellWednesday, 16. September 2015, 21:32 9 years ago
    The size of the character sprite is 250x250, and the game resolution is 1280x720. There isnt really much to show on a screenshot. The talking animation is playing, while the text appears on the top left corner. Thats it.

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