#1, by jtraskelinWednesday, 06. January 2016, 17:15 9 years ago
I've been making a scene where the active character first places a book from his inventory to a table in front of a seated NPC character. Next the NPC picks up the book. My problem is that when the NPC animation reaches for the book his hand always goes behind the table.
I have an object called "chair" which is where the NPC character is set to stand at. I have made sure that the object center value of the "chair" is bigger than the center value of the "table" object (which is an object with image because the active character needs to walk behind it). Also I have arranged the scene objects so that the "chair" object is above the "table" object in the hierarchy. Still the NPC character goes behind the table.
Is there something I don't know about NPC characters that are placed in scenes, or should this work the way I've done it?
By the way, the NPC caracter sits outside the way borders of the scenes (the active character doesn't need to get close to him, only to the table). Does this have anything to do with it?
Appreciate any thoughts!