So, I'm not sure what happened, but when I build my game, when I play the final game, and enter a specific scene, the music stops. The sound effects still play, but there is no music.
There is a point in the game where I re-enter a scene and the music changes. After the change, the music plays again, but when I go to a scene where the music is different, once again, there is no music.
I did work around this by adding a change music of scene X action part to every scene (its part of a demo, so there aren't many), setting the music to the scene accordingly, and this works fine.
I do, however, want to know if anyone has any ideas as to what the issue is (a bug? user error?) so I (or anyone who comes across the problem) can know how to deal with it in the future (hopefully I won't have to!
Thank you all so much!