No Music After Game Build

  • #1, by ygmantellMonday, 09. October 2017, 23:11 7 years ago
    So, I'm not sure what happened, but when I build my game, when I play the final game, and enter a specific scene, the music stops.  The sound effects still play, but there is no music. 
     There is a point in the game where I re-enter a scene and the music changes.  After the change, the music plays again, but when I go to a scene where the music is different, once again, there is no music. 

    I did work around this by adding a change music of scene X action part to every scene (its part of a demo, so there aren't many), setting the music to the scene accordingly, and this works fine.

    I do, however, want to know if anyone has any ideas as to what the issue is (a bug? user error?) so I (or anyone who comes across the problem) can know how to deal with it in the future (hopefully I won't have to! smile )

    Thank you all so much!

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  • #2, by battlefoxTuesday, 10. October 2017, 00:15 7 years ago
    I guess it has something to do with the save-games. Visionaire seems to ignore music that was added after the actual save-game was created. Once you play the game from again from the early beginning, they are there.

    In other words, when you make changes in the game that affects background music or conditions, loading a save-game can cause music or certain logics to fail. You have to start again from scratch.


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  • #3, by ygmantellTuesday, 10. October 2017, 00:19 7 years ago
    Oh, well than, easy fix!  Thank you!

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  • #4, by afrlmeTuesday, 10. October 2017, 01:20 7 years ago
    Actually I vaguely recall Simon mentioning something about Daedalic doing the same thing with the change background music action part at the beginning of each scene. Was a while ago when he told me so my memory on it is a wee bit fuzzy. I think you are also supposed to set the lightmap too.


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  • #5, by ygmantellTuesday, 10. October 2017, 01:39 7 years ago
    Supposed to, as in, the option to set a scene's music in the scene properties is not working 100%?
    Thank you!

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  • #6, by dionousTuesday, 10. October 2017, 11:26 7 years ago
    I guess it has something to do with the save-games. Visionaire seems to ignore music that was added after the actual save-game was created. Once you play the game from again from the early beginning, they are there. 
    This is the correct answer; i had the same issue, playing the game from the start is the solution.

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