New license terms are much better

  • #1, by saintandsimonFriday, 18. April 2014, 21:13 11 years ago
    Just wanted to say cheers and thanks. smile, Its awesome with a team that listened to the communitys thoughts.


    85 Posts

  • #2, by OcasoSaturday, 19. April 2014, 11:49 11 years ago
    I am also very happy with the changes; is commendable that has listened to users: thank you very much.

    I have a question: if I buy the multi user edition € 99, ??I can buy below the € 490 and I would discount the first 99 €? I really interested in that option, but right now we do not have enough money ... Does the mobile license crowfunding limit?


    14 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeSaturday, 19. April 2014, 12:01 11 years ago
    The mobile license is per game (single title) without any restrictions in regards to digital distribution for all 5 platforms & there are no limitations in regards to how much you can make from crowdfunding. The only thing is that your crowdfunding pledge prizes can not contain the game as a physical (boxed/packaged) product; only digital version.

    Hope this clears things up a bit better?

    -- * --

    I don't know if you have to pay the full €99 to upgrade from the €49 indie single/individual to indie multi-user license. & no the €490 is fixed because it's a per game license. I think that the indie multi-user license comes as part of mobile/professional license options though.

    I think in the future, once we've got things a bit more organized, we may sort some things out where helpful people might get free licenses/discounts, or other stuff, for things like video tutorials, helping translate the engine into other languages, help bring in new customers etc. It's just an idea right now mind & not set in stone - just something me & Alex vaguely talked about via email.


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