New condition type: Value based

  • #1, by LebosteinWednesday, 25. February 2015, 14:17 10 years ago
    At the moment two types of conditions are available:
    - Variable (true/false)
    - Combined conditions (here you can combine two conditions)

    What about a new condition type like "Value based"? Here you can select
    1. a value from the global list
    2. an operator (=,<,>,<=,>=,!=)
    3. and a fixed integer or a second value to compare
    (in summary: the same options like the "If value"-action part)

    That would increase the possibilities and simplify many things... for example scene objects could be set active or inactive with a value based system now. For example a lever with 5 positions (like the tresor in monkey island 1) would be easy to generate. With a combination of true/false conditions only it is very hard to handle...

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 25. February 2015, 16:02 10 years ago
    That would be a value. Thomas & I have both added our suggestions to the team dev tracker in regards to adding additional condition parameters to scene objects etc.

    * condition (same as current parameter)
    * value (link field to value, operator list, number input field)
    * language (drop down list of available languages + any)


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by LebosteinWednesday, 25. February 2015, 16:11 10 years ago
    A condition is a value with the possible values 0 and 1 --> For V5: please remove the conditions completely or use it only to compare and combine values. You can also use values (with 0 = false and otherwise true) for that. That would reduce the complexity and increase the flexibility of Visionaire. I see no reasons for conditions if values are available.

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 25. February 2015, 16:25 10 years ago
    A value is not a condition. A condition is a boolean. A value consists of an integer or float value, but is more often than not an integer.

    They are both as important to the gaming industry as if else then programming logic.

    P.S: to do what you are suggesting would mean that they would have to redo a lot of the data structure fields as quite a lot of them are boolean based.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by LebosteinWednesday, 25. February 2015, 16:31 10 years ago
    Yes. But you can use an integer as boolean:
    false = 0
    true = all other values, 1 for example

    The question is: Where do you need conditions? In the action parts? No. Here you can build (nested) if-then-relations directly and free. The only place that needs conditions is to turn on/off scene objects. If there is a posibility to add a value based condition (show object only if value_a = 0 and value_b > 5 or ...) directly to an object, then you could remove conditions in the current way completely.

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeWednesday, 25. February 2015, 18:37 10 years ago
    I've suggested various things before & recently about overhauling certain things, such as the dialog system, but the problem is that each update has to compatible with older .ved files. If you remove something from the engine entirely or swap it for something else then anyone who wanted to keep working on their project in an updated version would have to redo all the sections that used that feature, which would certainly cause a bit of grumbling either way, whether they decided to use the updated version or stick with whatever version of the engine they are already using for the duration of their current project.

    I'm saying this, because if it was up to me, I would completely redo / redesign certain parts of the engine & editor. I would scrap most of the current dialog system & give it its own section rather than having it tied into the characters tab. I would also drop most of the text box sections underneath the dialog tree window in favor of a generic action part system, as to me that would be a lot more intuitive & flexible.

    P.S: 0 & 1 will never be a boolean value, even if you use it in place of true & false.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by LebosteinThursday, 26. February 2015, 08:14 10 years ago
    Forget my first idea. Here is an idea for an ultimate condition dialog. Here you can combine an arbitrary list of conditions, values and other preferences (like 'current language is ...' or 'current character is ...'):

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeThursday, 26. February 2015, 11:01 10 years ago
    Hmm yeah I suppose a list could also work. I'm not sure if they can limit what can be added to the action list though, but I understand what you are getting at. An action list like how the game launch action works.


    7285 Posts