Narration Text Fade Effect

  • #1, by dionousTuesday, 04. April 2017, 15:26 8 years ago
    Hello to all,

    Is it possible to add fade effects (in/out) to narration text?


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    248 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 04. April 2017, 17:07 8 years ago
    Hello to all,

    Is it possible to add fade effects (in/out) to narration text?

    Not that I know of, but you can fade text belonging to display object text because it is tied directly into the state of the object you link it to, so if the object visibility is changed the object text will have same opacity value or let's say the object has a condition assigned to its properties tab & the condition value is changed to hide/disable the object then the display text will also be hidden/inactive.

    P.S: unless it's possible in VS5? Simon mentioned something about 5.x having text effects. The only effect you can currently do which involves a bit of scripting is to create a type writer effect by having letters come in one at a time.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by dionousTuesday, 04. April 2017, 18:44 8 years ago
    Thanks and noted abt object text, yes it seems it would be possible for these.

    Yeap, would be great to see some text effects in VS5 smile

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    248 Posts

  • #4, by CrossWednesday, 05. April 2017, 06:35 8 years ago
    I just used a font-image, thats transparent by default (e.g. 33%). In your narration-text-action call the text not one but three times, each time at the same location but with a different pause. That way it will fade out in three steps.


    92 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeWednesday, 05. April 2017, 11:20 8 years ago
    I just used a font-image, thats transparent by default (e.g. 33%). In your narration-text-action call the text not one but three times, each time at the same location but with a different pause. That way it will fade out in three steps.
    Interesting workaround. Nice to see what methods other people come up with to counter the limitations enforced by the engine. smile


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