My first game... (I hope!!)

  • #1, by denis-Thursday, 30. May 2013, 00:49 12 years ago
    Hello people ,my name's Denis from italy..and this is my first experience with this program and I do not know if I can finish it because I have to work in the evenings after work but I want to try! The graphics have made ??3D ??STUDIO MAX ... and retouched in Photoshop, and I relied on POSER for the characters (I'm not good at modeling humanoids).'m following the "bible" of the 'friend Glen (Fx) x Fernandez who also gave me valuable suggestions during the realization of the background, and thank you I have devoted a picture! (he he). I hope in your help in case of need and end it all in a short time.



    74 Posts

  • #2, by BigStansThursday, 30. May 2013, 20:34 12 years ago
    Nice work smile

    Great Poster

    361 Posts

  • #3, by NigecSaturday, 01. June 2013, 16:55 12 years ago
    I remember the Poser guy lol maybe a drop shadow under him to make him look connected to the floor? what would be very cool would be a reflection on the shiny floor no idea how you could do that
    Lovely artwork, I?, hope you find the time to finish it

    Key Killer

    632 Posts

  • #4, by nuncioSaturday, 01. June 2013, 18:17 12 years ago
    looks nice. lol mona lisa (simpson) grin

    Forum Fan

    128 Posts

  • #5, by ProblemSunday, 02. June 2013, 22:18 12 years ago
    Nice screens. Kind of "Day of the Tentacle" in 3D. It looks fun, and it has a unique style.


    5 Posts

  • #6, by denis-Monday, 03. June 2013, 11:49 12 years ago
    Thanks a lot at all! I really hope to finish it in a short time i have completed all the hot spot and interactions in 2 it's time to work for a NPC characters and some "puzzle"roll
    Stay tuned.


    74 Posts

  • #7, by funkygallo-1Tuesday, 23. July 2013, 21:05 11 years ago
    Ok, hai trovato il primo betatester wink


    40 Posts

  • #8, by denis-Wednesday, 24. July 2013, 08:24 11 years ago
    Molto volentieri...una mano è sempre ben accetta!grin

    Of course! Any help is very appreciated! grin


    74 Posts

  • #9, by denis-Sunday, 08. September 2013, 01:14 11 years ago
    Well folks!
    It 's almost ready ... the mini adventure game "All for a cola" is 90% complete. I created a web page at

    where it's possible to see some "in-game picture".(Some of those you have already seen but I added someone else grin)
    Just missing....The final scene ... the English translation... and of course the beta-testers.
    Special thanks to all the friends of the forum of Visionaire for their support. especially Lee (AFRLme) and Thomas (Marvel) always ready to help with their suggestions. Thanks also Alexander (Visionaire 777) for their active collaboration and for having offered as a beta tester ... and certainly GlenFx / Glen Fernandez) who, thanks to his tutorials and brought me some help ... almost to the realization of this adventure.
    Stay tuned.


    74 Posts

  • #10, by UmonSunday, 08. September 2013, 01:52 11 years ago
    Cool pictures, i like it smile


    80 Posts