Music stops playing when loading a game

  • #1, by BarneyMonday, 12. January 2015, 22:07 10 years ago
    This seems like an issue with an obvious solution, but I haven't been able to find one at a first glance. How do you make it so that the music continues to play after the player loads an autosave? The scene I'm loading has the "Continue music from the previous scene" parameter checked, but the music stops nonetheless.


    42 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeMonday, 12. January 2015, 23:12 10 years ago
    Yes because there's no music to load! It's not really a bug. If you have music playing in the menu scene where you loaded the game from then it will continue that music into your game, or at least it should.

    I recommend for all scenes containing the same music that you directly link the audio file to each scene. If the next scene has the same audio file linked to it then VS will acknowledge this & continue the music into the next scene without pausing or restarting the music from the beginning. We did remove the option to continue music from previous scene in earlier 4,x builds. I have no idea why it was re-added as it's not much use as far as I'm concerned.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by BarneyTuesday, 13. January 2015, 00:41 10 years ago
    OK, this is weird. I've linked the file directly, like you said, and ran the game a couple of times, and nothing changed.
    And then I ran it again, just to be sure before posting here, and now it's suddenly working.
    I mean, I'm glad this problem's solved, but... that's still weird.
    Thanks for your help, though. 8)


    42 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeTuesday, 13. January 2015, 02:03 10 years ago
    You did untick the continue music from previous scene box too no? grin


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by BarneyTuesday, 13. January 2015, 19:36 10 years ago
    Yep, I did. That's the funny thing: Between the run where the music stopped and the next run where it played as it should, i changed literally nothing. =)


    42 Posts