Moving an object?

  • #1, by saintandsimonTuesday, 05. November 2013, 11:34 12 years ago
    So I have a conundrum.. And surely there are ways to do it, however, I wonder if there's a more "convenient" way to do it.

    I'm talking about moving an object (with its object area as well). Having a bag, that's supposed to circle around on a bagline (like the one on the airport where you wait for your bags). One way to move the object, is to make it a character and then "send to position", however, feels like suddenly all my objects will eventually become "characters", and feels a bit messy.

    Does anyone have any particular idea thats seem better?


    85 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 05. November 2013, 17:18 12 years ago
    Yeah, Divo created some script which allows you to drag around an objects animation image & also the object polygon. I'm sure that it could probably be manipulated to suit.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by saintandsimonTuesday, 05. November 2013, 21:19 12 years ago
    Geez, thats a lot of code. Would be afraid of using so much that I have no understanding of. Thanks anyway. smile


    85 Posts