Most detailed 2d animated character designs

  • #1, by joeclarkMonday, 17. July 2017, 11:19 8 years ago

    I've been doing some analysing and from the looks of things 2d animation hasn't reached it's full potential, nor advanced as much as I want it to. Despite this fact alot of studios have broken away from the the 2d format and gone for the 3d style, which is a bit of a shame because I would absolutely love someone to take 2d to next level and create something that looks like a beautiful painting or illustration come to life.
    Anyways, what 2d animated movie or series has the most complex and detailed character designs and do you believe that animators will try to make improvements, or will it be left neglected in the future?I checked out 2D character animation video for some help but couldnt find any. Pleasze help me out.

    Any help will be appreciated.
    Thank you.


    2 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeMonday, 17. July 2017, 12:07 8 years ago
    Yes A'llo,

    I'm currently unsure whether you are trolling, being serious or spamming right now...

    There's all sorts of 2D animations & graphic styles out there. Some of the artists that do digital paintings can almost make their drawings look like real life photos these days in photoshop, illustrator, etc.

    I'm very happy with the current range of 2D art & animations, from pixelart, to simple looking vector art, to traditionally drawn on paper & scanned in, to rotoscoped animations, to more modern hd oil or watercolor or graphic novel style artwork that is being used in quite a lot of games these days.

    Maybe people could create something spectacular for a 2D animated movie or tv episode, but likely it's down to time restraints & money - as it always is. Games on the other hand has something else you have to consider & that's optimization. We can't use millions of animation frames for each animation when it comes to 2D as it ends up becoming a hungry power horse that wants to eat up all your system resources, meaning only people with expensive high end computers would be able to play your game.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by NigecMonday, 17. July 2017, 12:18 8 years ago
    All sing along now!... Spam, Spam..
     unless he is mentally connected to some guy 7 years ago and typed the exact same thing

    search the first line wink

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeMonday, 17. July 2017, 12:49 8 years ago
    All sing along now!... Spam, Spam..
     unless he is mentally connected to some guy 7 years ago and typed the exact same thing

    search the first line wink

    I wasn't here 7 years ago mate. Certainly looks like spam though - mostly it was the link that caught my eye as it has the word "ad" in it. Well, at least it wasn't a reference link. wink

    Not sure why or how the spammers have decided that this month is finally the month they all start posting on the VS forum as they've been mass registering for the past few months. Check any of the VS newsletters you've received by email recently & look at the recent new member bit & you will see a pattern, whether it's the avatar images or the funny random letters at the end of their user names or if you actually check a few of the members out, then you will see their bio statements are all very similar & in Polish or Russian or something.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by NigecMonday, 17. July 2017, 13:00 8 years ago
    I first saw that post at a place called Aventure Developers, now defunked

    Yeah one of the other forums I go to has 9 or 10 register a day, mostly Russian, they actually get past the any spam filters

    Do these people know something we don't?

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeMonday, 17. July 2017, 13:21 8 years ago
    The thing is, not all spam bots are actually bots. Some I believe are people that get paid pittance to mass join & spam random sites all day, which means they can get past the captchas for registration & post messages, which they have probably copy/pasted directly from some prepared template. The bots that have been mass registering here for the past few months though are likely just bots as they seem to have given up once they've added an avatar, changed random date of birth, set location to US & posted a small message with a link in their bio - actually, I find it pretty amazing what bots are capable of, even if they are the internets equivalent of flies & you know how us Brits feel about flies! Slipper time! Rolled up newspaper time! Sod the fly swatters! grin


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by NigecMonday, 17. July 2017, 15:21 8 years ago
    aye mate lol
    jamesrivard is another one, Iinked to a forum post 2 years ago

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #8, by MachtnixMonday, 17. July 2017, 19:04 8 years ago
    If spam thread or not - I think, "Satinavs Ketten" and "Memoria" were great illustrated 2D games.

    I saw some designs using dutch pictures as scenes and if you see "Child of light" it could be a 2D game from Visionaire also (without the battles).

    Thread Captain

    1097 Posts

  • #9, by NigecMonday, 17. July 2017, 19:50 8 years ago
    The bar for 2D graphics are very high these days, backgrounds are amazing, I could never achieve the kind of talent to make a commercial game.
    I think sometimes the characters don't quite fit in, I'd imagine animating every possible interaction would be a nightmare.. but I kinda dispair when the character just moves its hand.. like its passing drugs or something... this is why I'd never do a  3rd person game

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #10, by MachtnixMonday, 17. July 2017, 20:10 8 years ago
    With some tools you only need to animate body parts. It's a question of the price (German words); of course you can make a unique animation for every action. 

    Thread Captain

    1097 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeMonday, 17. July 2017, 20:13 8 years ago
    Child of light is so fluid. Really liked the flying animations. The fight animations feel a big rugged though, but animations & movement in the rest of the game are very nice as are the lovely watercolor looking graphics.

    Memoria, Chains of Satinav & I believe even Deponia created & animated the characters in some 3D program, then exported & painted over them with zBrush from what I recall Simon or David telling me.

    Interaction isn't that complicated mate, but it does take a bit of planning. Say for example you want your character to take something from the wall & you actually want to animate the character physically taking the object from wall to hand to pocket/bag/hat, then you are going to need to figure out the scale % the character will be at the interaction point then you are going to need to scale up/down the item that's on the wall in the characters animation frames so that it doesn't randomly end up looking like a miniscule or gigantic version of whatever it was you just picked up. It helps if the artist/animator can mess around with the scene a bit so they know first hand how something looks.

    A lot of the old point & click games actually put effort into animating everything. Take a look at Simon the Sorcerer or Broken Sword. Everything was animated. Broken Sword 5 on the other hand. cry


    7285 Posts