More dynamic talking.

  • #1, by ke4Wednesday, 08. October 2014, 17:18 11 years ago
    I was thinking,
    is there a way how to do more dynamic talking?
    I mean there are talking animations, but with the intention of save space and have the animations in loop i have just simple short animation of mouth.
    I would like to do something like random movements with hands or something i guess that would mean separate the mouth animation.
    Can be done something like this in visionaire? :-)

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 08. October 2014, 17:32 11 years ago
    You would have to do your talk animations via the character animations section instead & manually trigger them as required. You could create talk animations as separate animations or all as one animation & use lua to force which frames to play.

    You could create a value or a table which randomly selects an animation if you want to randomize it. If you want to lipsync instead then I think the best approach would be to create a table that contains pause & frame values for each display text that will trigger when animations or frames should be played.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by ke4Wednesday, 08. October 2014, 17:53 11 years ago
    I would like to have the mouth animation basic and then 2 - 3 random hand movements.
    So with the value i could just let the value random choose simple or with hands animation for talking, through a function in LUA(?)
    What do you mean by animations as separate animations? The best would be to have it separate, and with left click skiping just skiping the mouth and the hands let fisnish.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 08. October 2014, 20:05 11 years ago
    Character talk animations don't work like that. If you want to display text but use custom animations then use display narration text action part & create the animations as character animations (manually triggered animations).

    The only real way to do what you are actually asking for is with sprite parts, which we currently do not have any support for.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by GregTuesday, 03. February 2015, 02:32 10 years ago
    Is there a way to utilize the dialogue choices and use the Character animations instead of the default Talk animation?

    I really like the way the dialogue system is set up but I would like to eliminate the animation instantly changing to the talking one. One of my characters is looking down and her talk animations are looking up. So I'm trying to come-up with a smart way of raising her head before the dialogue / talk animations kick in.


    23 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeTuesday, 03. February 2015, 02:50 10 years ago
    Personally I hate the dialog system. If they replaced the bottom half of it & just added in the general action part system then it would be much more dynamic... why bother with a section for defining the spoken text or alternative text when you could just create a display text action part with whatever you want.

    If it were up to me I would remove dialog stuff from the characters section entirely & make it more global by giving it its own tab on the main tab icon selection on the left. Then I would remove all the junk & just leave the necessary options like remove dialog part & jump to dialog index (whatever it's called - I forget). I'd leave the text input box where you define the dialog question text but I would remove the rest & replace with action list.

    I guess you could not use the dialog system & create your own via an interface & various if query action parts & or Lua script. Would require a lot of work mind, but it would be much more dynamic than the standard dialog system.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by bobby23Wednesday, 04. February 2015, 21:04 10 years ago
    There is a way but it is tricky and weird to do and it only works with NPC
    You could have an object (empty) over the NPC so when you do "Talk to " it will not select the NPC but the empty object
    Then on clicking , you Assign a random value to a variable which will select with an if statement one of the random animations to play while talking. In the same IF statement you will need to add dialog on again an empty character so it will appear like the NPC is talking (showing text above him) while in reality he will only be doing the random movement like you want.

    However this will only work with NPC since the main character can not do that.

    Great Poster

    265 Posts