animation mirrors are all good & well but I discourage using them if you plan on using Lua script in your game. For instance I had issues with mirrored animations in a script to do with playing specific animations based on character alignment. I could not make it play the mirrored animations with the startAnimation function. I also had issues with mirrored animations for a dynamic footstep/character sounds script for use with the upcoming release of VS; I haven't shared the script on here yet because it won't work in 3.7.1. the footstep sounds were not triggered on mirrored animations nor was the dynamic volume/balance script because mirrored animations don't allow you to add custom actions to each frame - my opinion, mind

You can't resize images in VS but you can scale (in proportion) active animations via the VAnimationSize data structure entry.
getObject("ActiveAnimations[animation name]"):setValue(VAnimationSize, 100)