Mehrere Fragen/Multiple questions German/Englisch

  • #1, by fritzhugo3Friday, 14. June, 21:30 4 months ago
    (Top German, downstairs in English)

    Hallo liebe Visionaire Studio Freunde.
    Ich habe nur extrem wenig Erfahrung – nur ein paar Tutorials auf YT nachgebastelt. Bitte also eine einfache und Verständliche Sprache nutzen und in ganzen Sätzen schreiben, dass ein absoluter Laie das auch versteht.

    Ich habe vor ein Sprachspiel mit Visionaire Studio zu bauen – theoretisch bietet es alles, was es dazu benötigt – die Frage ist nur, wie es am effizientesten zu lösen ist.

    Vor dem Spielstart wählt man seine Muttersprache aus, Deutsch und Englisch sollen immer angezeigt werden

    Ich möchte eine Wohnung bauen, wo man dann beispielsweise ins Badezimmer gehen kannst, dort den Schrank öffnest und dann Gegenstände anklicken kannst.
    Es soll dann eine Tabelle erscheinen

    Detailansicht für Bürste
    (Deutsch)    Die Bürste     eine Bürste,     zwei Bürsten
    (Arabisch)     ?????    
    (Englisch)    a brush    

    Es soll dann automatisch die deutsche Sprachdatei und anschließend die Sprachdatei der gewählten Muttersprache, gefolgt von der Englischen Sprachdatei. Auf einen weiteren Klick der Bürste, kommt man in die Objektübersicht Haare (Bürste, Haarschere, Föhn usw. also quasi eine Verlinkung untereinander)

    Ich möchte auch in den Texten bestimmte Formatierungen innerhalb des Satzes und Wortes setzen, Beispiel:
    Der Apfel ist rot. („A“ soll fett, gelb sein und unterstrichen werden)
    Die Äpfel sind rot. („Ä“ soll fett, rot und unterstrichen werden)

    Ich vermute auch, ich muss mehrere Sprachboxen für die Muttersprachen an dieselbe Stelle organisieren?

    Kann ich unbegrenzt viele Inventare bauen und diese dann als eine Art Tabelle „missbrauchen“ oder wäre es sinnvoller einfach in die Scene einzubauen? Sowas wie Scene in Scene gibt es vermutlich nicht oder? Quasi Inlineframes?

    Kann ich irgendwie Gruppen anlegen für bestimmte Gegenstände? Also das ich sagen kann, alles für die Haare, Bürste, Schere, Schampon usw. hat eine Gruppe, dass ich die jederzeit als eine Art Datenbank nehmen kann und dann sage, mach mit hieraus ein Inventar/Tabelle - was die Bilder mit den Verknüpfungen, Schreibweise und Vertonung usw. direkt drinnen sind – oder muss ich jedes Item immer manuell eintragen?

    Meine Fragen wären, kann ich das einfacher lösen über eine Tabellenfunktion, was ratet ihr mir wie ich einzelne Dinge am sinnvollsten umsetzen kann? Kann ich überhaupt beispielsweise gleichzeitig Sprachboxen in mehreren Sprachen anzeigen lassen? Wenn euch noch Tipps und sonstiges dazu einfällt, was mir helfen könnte, gerne raus damit.

    Das Ganze sollte möglichst ohne komplexen Code auskommen oder zumindest einen Code, den ich dann nur copy pasten muss ohne jedes Mal das Rad neu erfinden zu müssen.

    Wie hoch ist der Aufwand, wenn ich das ganze dann später vom PC aus fürs Handy haben möchte? Macht Visionaire Studio das weitestgehend automatisch oder ist es ein hoher Aufwand das alles umzubauen mit der 125€ Lizenz?

    Falls sehr doofe Fragen dabei sind- wie gesagt Anfänger und ich kratze sicher nur an der Oberfläche, was mit Visionaire an Möglichkeiten sind.

    Vielen Dank für eure Zeit und Antworten.

    Hello dear Visionaire Studio friends.

    I have very little experience - I have only tinkered with a few tutorials on YT. Please use a simple and understandable language and write in complete sentences, so that an absolute layman can understand it.

    I would like to build a game with Visionaire Studio - theoretically it offers everything that is needed for this - the question is only how to solve it most efficiently.

    Before the game starts, you can choose your native language, German and English should always be displayed.

    I want to build an apartment where you can then, for example, go to the bathroom, open the cupboard there and then click on objects.

    A table should then appear.
    Detail view for brush
    (German)    Die Bürste, eine Bürste, zwei Bürsten
    (Arabic)    ?????…
    (English)a brush, two brushs…

    It should then automatically open the German language file and then the language file of the chosen native language, followed by the English language file. On another click of the brush, you get to the object overview of hair (brush, scissors, hair dryer, etc., so basically a kind of link to each other)

    I would also like to make certain formats in the texts within the sentence and word, for example:
    Der Apfel ist ro. ("A" should be bold, yellow and underlined).
    Die Äpfel sind rot. ("Ä" should be bold, red and underlined).
    I also suspect that I have to organize several language boxes for the native languages in the same place?

    Can I somehow create groups for certain objects? So that I can say, everything for the hair, brush, scissors, shampoo etc. has a group, that I can take it as a kind of database and then say, make a list/table out of it - what the pictures are with the links, spelling and sound etc. are directly inside - or do I always have to enter each item manually?

    How much effort is it if I want to have the whole thing later from the PC for the cell phone? Does Visionaire Studio do this largely automatically or is it a lot of work to rebuild everything with the 125€ license?

    If there are very stupid questions in there - as I said, a beginner and I'm only scratching the surface, what is possible with Visionaire.

    Thank you very much for your time and answers.


    4 Posts

  • #2, by fritzhugo3Saturday, 15. June, 23:37 4 months ago
    Really 43 People have read my questions but not one have an idea/suggestion for any one of my sentence?

    Puh - this is hard - I must know, if my project make sense with visionaire studio or should i better use a diffeant - so it would be cool if anybody can say something over my written text.

    Thank you.


    4 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeMonday, 17. June, 01:33 4 months ago
    Just because you have views doesn't mean they are registered members. The forum is always slow. We aren't very active on it; we use the discord server instead because it let's us have real time back & forth conversations.

    All of the licenses are the same. They don't unlock different things from each other, they just give you the right to be able to export commericially for x platform(s). Any of the licenses will remove the 10 scene limitation & unlock the build feature. The only platforms you can't build for are switch, playstation, & xbox because you need the dev kits from nintendo, sony, & microsoft & you also need the professional license & to discuss it with Simon.

    Other than that I believe Esmeralda has already answered your other questions on the discord server?


    7285 Posts

  • #4, by fritzhugo3Monday, 17. June, 02:54 4 months ago
    All of the licenses are the same. They don't unlock different things from each other, they just give you the right to be able to export commericially for x platform(s). Any of the licenses will remove the 10 scene limitation & unlock the build feature. The only platforms you can't build for are switch, playstation, & xbox because you need the dev kits from nintendo, sony, & microsoft & you also need the professional license & to discuss it with Simon.
    This was not my question, my question was technical. If i have the game for PC - what/ how many work is it to change things that it works on mobile? I know i have all in the 125€ licence but what is with the code - Or do the engine all for me and i must change nothing and click only compile for Android after compile for pc? This was my question.

    "We aren't very active on it; we use the discord server "
    oh, ok- not good to hear, Im not a big friend on Discord. it is very much more confusing and you have no chance to find anything on web with google ... and the intern search are not good, no german rooms, you cant make an vaforite (in forum if i have see an interesting, helpfull thread a mark ist to read in a week) and many other reasons - I'm realy not a friend for complex things in Discord. Sure for little questions discord are ok.

    Esmeralda have help me in some points, yes absolut. But not in @ll.

    Open question for tables (like an realy simple excelsheet only to show something without math) - are there a funktion for this or must i worlaround it like with inventorys?

    How do other people all the html-tag for textes, use the people html editors? So is that normal? I have written now excel vba (because nearly all of my words must have dirrefence formats in same word) 
    - or use nowbody multiple formats and colors in one text?

    It would make many things so much easier if one could simply insert formatted text from Windows or at least have direct formatting options when writing, and not just these tags and fixed definitions - but okay, we won't change that and I have to live with it - it's a real shame, though. It complicates everything and makes the texts confusing. Unfortunately, there is no flowchart for texts. But never mind, I'm getting sidetracked. I have to work with what is there and use workarounds.
    On the other hand, the engine does have other strengths.
    Thanks a lot for trying to answer me."


    4 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeMonday, 17. June, 21:05 4 months ago
    We have a forum section on the discord channel.

    In regard to you posting in German, that is only going to significantly reduce the amount of help you get as the majority of people using Visionaire Studio are spread out around the world & don't speak German, & there's only a limited amount of people like Esmeralda, that speak German & are savvy enough to answer technical questions - most people using Visionaire Studio are artists & first time game devs & aren't very savvy when it comes to game development; or Visionaire for that matter.


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