Many bugs on latest version: is there a bug tracker? Can I have back 5.09?

  • #1, by pietro-eccherWednesday, 18. March 2020, 22:27 4 years ago
    Hi, I am sorry to bother again, unfortunately I keep finding bugs in VS 5.0.10: a lot of stuff which was working on 5.0.09 went rogue, even "standard stuff" like the inventory - where objects move their slot, but their sprites remain in place - or on a random basis the cursor behaviour (it displays the object name and the action, but the action is not working - on the next game reboot it works again..)
    Another one: I am using a semitransparent black layer on "top" of a scene where the player have to turn on a light: it disappears and the player gets access to what's below... and that works once on 2 game restarts.. the other time behaves like its sensible area was drawn "below".
    The GUI shows only half of the options panel and I have to resize something each timeI need it - to force a refresh which shows me the whole stuff.

    I don't know what happened, but I kindly ask you to give me back my seemingly working VS 5.09.  smile

    Since I already did some addition (not using new features) and I accidentally overwrote my last 5.09 file, is it possible to manually edit projects saved with 5.0.10 to make them readable again by 5.0.09?

    Thank you



    29 Posts

  • #2, by kapa-raaveSaturday, 21. March 2020, 12:40 4 years ago
    Your frustration is understandable, I had the same problems. I still keep using 5.0.10 despite all the bugs, hoping it will be fixed soon.
    But if you want the older version back, you can still download it from the page, just dont choose the current 5 version.
    Best of luck!


    17 Posts

  • #3, by pietro-eccherSunday, 22. March 2020, 20:02 4 years ago
    if you want the older version back, you can still download it from the page, just dont choose the current 5 version.

    Unfortunately not: I get only some options on the download page.

    If I choose VS 5 I get VS 5.0.10
    If I choose VS 5RC2 I get VS 5.0.2 (2017)
    I didn't try VS 5RC1 because I assumed it should be older..

    I have to say I'm starting to feel it was not a good idea to buy this product: it stopped working as soon as I bought my license, and the support guys are behaving like ninjas.
    I am not asking for a perfect software without bugs, and I don't want everything to be fixed by tomorrow (maybe sooner than later, but I can understand a lot of stuff might happen).

    What I can't understand is being ignored, when it's only a matter of sharing an existing file - which was in use until 3 weeks ago!

    This makes me regret putting my trust (and money) in visionaire studio.

    Thank you kapa-raave, at least I feel I am not totally alone in this smile
    good luck to you too!


    29 Posts

  • #4, by SimonSSunday, 22. March 2020, 20:45 4 years ago
    You have to understand, that I'm practicly working alone on this thing and pouring all my free time into it.

    The 5.0 version is the version one step back. It's linked as 5.0 and 5.0 Mac on the licenses page. I already put it there a week ago.

    If you want to downgrade your projects you need to remove the new fields. The log shows which fields it can't understand. It's a bit time consuming though, even with search and replace.

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    1582 Posts

  • #5, by pietro-eccherSunday, 22. March 2020, 22:50 4 years ago
    Thank you for that info SimonS, I didn't know you were alone on this one: congratulations! I now understand better smile

    Unfortunately I don't get the 5.0.9 version if I download the v5.. I am not kidding.
    The previous screenshot has been taken 2 hours ago with a fresh download: the project is plenty of bugs and displays version 5.0.10.
    The demo I used - where everything is still working - shows 5.0.9 1203 2019-02-15

    Where do I look for the log on windows?

    Thank you


    29 Posts

  • #6, by SimonSSunday, 22. March 2020, 23:11 4 years ago
    Select this one:

    Thread Captain

    1582 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeSunday, 22. March 2020, 23:17 4 years ago
    A'llo, if you want a faster response, I recommend you join our discord server @

    We are online most of the time on discord (though we are in the EU timezone). We aren't active on this forum 24/7 & only check in on it now & then.

    In regards to your ved files, I would always recommend backing up your ved files frequently & you should always create a backup of your latest ved before upgrading.

    Now in regards to the installation file for the last version of VS, if you only recently started using VS then you should have had the file in your downloads folder - unless you deleted it, of course.

    Is it possible you updated VS immediately by accident after reinstalling?

    As for the log files, open up VS & optionally open up a ved file. Hover over one of the play icons next to the searchbar & click on "go to messages.log". If you have a ved open it should open up the folder where the log file is located for that ved. The log file for Visionaire Studio editor itself, is located in c:/users/{username}/appdata/local/visionaire editor/.


    7283 Posts

  • #8, by pietro-eccherMonday, 23. March 2020, 14:00 4 years ago
    Thank you all, and in a special way yo AFRLme who helped me understand what was wrong.
    In the license email there is an old URL specified for download, which doesn't give access to the previous releases. (I could tell only by comparing my screenshot and the one from Simon).

    Now it's fine smile

    Thank you again.


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