Managing Sounds / best practice

  • #1, by stothewMonday, 21. May 2018, 14:13 7 years ago
    Hi there,

    i have big trouble managing sounds / backgound music ect. Is there any best practice?
    a quick example:

    2 screens with rain (outside) and one screen inside.
    the Rain is  a sound effect and should not affect background music.
    also it does not rain there forever.

    i can play the rainsound at the beginning of the scene and test if it rains by condition, but the same on screen 2 would start the sound from beginning...

    also if it still runs and you leave and come back again it will not get triggerd anymore (at least in my test)

    what i want is looping a sound over scenes based on a condition
    long story short: this is only one example is there a best practice for managing sounds?
    or at least an idea for my rain problem?


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  • #2, by irinahuw_Wednesday, 30. May 2018, 17:35 7 years ago

    i too have a sound problem.
    additional to the backgroundmusic, i would like to add soundeffects.

    what i have:
    scene with a forest + background music

    what i want:
    add stuff like birds & rustling while the background music is still playing.

    i guess it must be possible, but how can i do it?

    i set up values/conditions in the scene, "action at beginning of scene" and put the sound effects there for now. not sure if good or bad practice but it works for now.




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  • #3, by afrlmeWednesday, 30. May 2018, 18:53 7 years ago
    unfortunately it's currently only possible to link 1 file to be played as the background sound via the properties tab, it's a shame Simon can't make it so we can insert multiple sounds to be looped. Actually, he could probably sort that out - will ask him later if it's possible to implement for a future update - but for now, yeah you guessed correctly, just start sounds playing inside of an at begin of scene action or inside of a called by other action you called inside of the at begin of scene action.

    In regards to dynamic sounds, if it's not a loop & you want the sounds to play every so often randomly then create a value (1 per sound) & a called by other action block (1 per sound again). Now what you can do is make the action block loop & using the value you created you can define a random delay each time it loops so that the sound will play dynamically every so often, you could even make it loop the sound a random amount of times too if you wanted to...

    Right, now here's a quick breakdown of what's going on in the screenshots. As you can see I have created an at begin of scene action & a called by other action which I have renamed to snd_bird_(1).  In the at begin of scene action I am calling the snd_bird_(1) action. Now in the snd_bird_(1) action block I have set 2 the 2 values I have created in the scene values column as random values. One controls the delay between each loop of the action block & the other specifies the amount of times we should loop the sound in a row. If the loop value is more than zero we loop back to the action part #3 which is the query that checks if loop is more than zero & if it is then it plays the sound again & if it isn't then it loops back to the beginning of the action block. You may have noticed that I created a pause action part after setting the 2 random values. I have linked the delay value that we created to it so that it pauses for the time specified in that - in our case anywhere between 1000ms (1 second) & 10000ms (10 seconds).

    Sorry if this explanation doesn't make much sense. Anyway, you can use these sort of looping action blocks for so many different things. You could dynamically determine when to play an animation that has a bird or flock of birds flying across the scene, or when a cricket should jump, or a tree should rustle & so on & so on. It's just a really useful method for dynamically controlling things in your scenes.


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  • #4, by SimonSWednesday, 30. May 2018, 19:07 7 years ago
    Use the mixbus in the audio tab. I will not add further sounds to the scenes. The mixbus has also many nice functions you won't get in the scene settings.

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  • #5, by irinahuw_Wednesday, 30. May 2018, 19:36 7 years ago
    hello AFRLme & SimonS!

    Thank you for your answers.

    @AFRLme: thank you very much for the screenshots and explanations! i might try it out (and come back here since i am a pro in encountering problems xD).

    @SimonS: i found another thread about the audio tab where i read that you might do a tutorial. is there one yet? because i have no idea how i am supposed to use the mixbus thing. if there's none, i am okay with AFRLme's method smile

    thank you and kind regards



    49 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeWednesday, 30. May 2018, 20:06 7 years ago
    I don't think there's a tutorial or manual for it yet. I also don't currently know how to use the mixbus yet either. I understand some of the basics of the new audio engine - at least what I've messed around with so far, but I've not tried out most things yet.


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  • #7, by stothewSaturday, 02. June 2018, 11:35 7 years ago
    ok, for now i have a "dummy screen" which hold all my loops and i call them and stop them by actions. It works ok for me, but having more insights in this mixbus thing (or the Audio tab in general XD) would be great...

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