Make a beginning of scene cutscene only play once

  • #1, by ygmantellSunday, 13. September 2015, 15:17 9 years ago
    I made a cutscene to start at the beginning of a scene, however, when I go back to that scene, the cutscene plays again.

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  • #2, by AkcayKaraazmakSunday, 13. September 2015, 15:49 9 years ago
    You should have a condition to control it. For example, have a condition with a name "cut_scene_con" and make it false.

    And just before cutScene_begin, write

    if condition cut_scene_con = false then
    begin cut scene
    condition cut_scene_con = true
    end cut scene

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    440 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeSunday, 13. September 2015, 17:38 9 years ago
    You should have a condition to control it. For example, have a condition with a name "cut_scene_con" and make it false.

    And just before cutScene_begin, write

    if condition cut_scene_con = false then
    begin cut scene
    condition cut_scene_con = true
    end cut scene

    Don't forget to close the if query off with an end if action part. wink


    7285 Posts

  • #4, by AkcayKaraazmakMonday, 14. September 2015, 10:20 9 years ago
    Hey Lee, which one below is right mate?

    If con == true
    goto A
    goto B
    end if


    If con == true
    goto A
    end if
    end if

    --I guess first one, right?smile

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  • #5, by afrlmeMonday, 14. September 2015, 10:29 9 years ago
    Yep the first one. But it depends as you can do additional if queries inside of other if queries.

    if x then
     if b then
     end if
    end if

    ... the end action part always closes off the last created if query (if, function or loop in the case of Lua) inside of the editor, so you need to think about exactly where you need to place the end if. Also there should be the same amount of end if as if action parts.


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  • #6, by AkcayKaraazmakMonday, 14. September 2015, 11:51 9 years ago
    Cheers bro

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