Summary:Example of how I created a dynamic menu in which the menu buttons slide into place from outside of the menu background & how I faded in the title in sequential order using lua script, set object visibility action parts & pause action parts inside of an at begin of scene action.
On mouse over the menu buttons (once cursor is visible) it will extend the button background a little bit & will slide back to default position on mouse out. Also the button text opacity changes on mouse over/out to make it stand out more. You can of course replace the button image or apply a shader effect to it instead. I've just tried to keep it as simple as possible for this example.
Read the readme.txt file for more information.
P.S: This .ved should work in 4.1 although I've created it inside of a recent team build of the upcoming next version of vs.
P.P.S: in the next build there is a new move to action part which will make it even easier to move objects around scenes as it allows you to set absolute target coordinates instead of offset, which I found to be a bit confusing.