Mac editor text formatting

  • #1, by BenmirathFriday, 23. May 2014, 00:54 11 years ago
    Hi all,
    Not sure if this has come up yet, but i haven't seen it in the forum so far. I'm using the Mac editor in Mavericks, and when using any text-based actionparts, certain punctuation characters like apostrophes and ellipses are auto-formatted to an alternate, more "visibly pleasing" version. As a result, these characters are not displayed in-game. I'm not sure at this stage if the auto-formatting stems from the OS or the editor, but I couldn't find any indication of the cause thus far. I assume I can just do a mass find/replace in the .ved file's xml before building, but I just wanted to flag it. Any idea of the cause?


    31 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 23. May 2014, 01:20 11 years ago
    You are talking about text displayed via the display text/object/narration text action parts yes?

    Are you using a font image map (old method) or the new ttf font support function?

    If you are using the old image map method then you need to make sure you have correctly written out each character that is visible in the image map you created, in the correct order. Maybe you accidentally forgot to add a certain character or added it in the wrong place. Also you should click on the A symbol to preview the character borders to make sure it is picking them all up correctly...

    If what I've said is of no use, then could you please post some screenshots of the offending fonts main section, properties tab & one of the display text action & of it being used in game - if possible.


    7286 Posts

  • #3, by BenmirathFriday, 23. May 2014, 03:34 11 years ago
    So I hadn't actually realized that ttf support had been added, that's actually fantastic news and might be a excuse to implement to solve my issue.

    The issue I am/was facing was occurring when initially inputting the text into the action part field. Certain characters/patterns would be auto-formatted (pretty much as soon as they were typed) to a slightly different symbol/visual appearance, somewhat similar to how many word processing programs like Microsoft Word operate, an example being three periods in a row being turned into a single "ellipses" character. It looks fairly similar, but it screwed up how the old font system mapped characters.
    What I'm talking about is kind of hard to convey with just a screenshot, but I've attached one of the input field for one display text action part. It's kind of hard to discern, but the ellipses and apostrophe used in the middle of the sentence visually look different from the period and apostrophe at the end (the ellipses' periods are smaller, and the apostrophe in the sentence has a curve), which I believe is causing the issue.

    All that aside, I'll try out the ttf version, which hopefully will resolve the issue. Thanks!


    31 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeFriday, 23. May 2014, 03:47 11 years ago
    Yeah ttf is in the RC version that got uploaded the other week. I've no idea how if it works correctly on the mac though. I'm in need of a new dev build from David myself as my current build displays the ttf fonts upside down, which looks pretty strange.

    I didn't realize vs formatted the text at all. As far as I'm aware it should just display whatever you type. However you type it... unless it's an OS/mac thing. David?


    7286 Posts

  • #5, by BenmirathFriday, 23. May 2014, 05:47 11 years ago
    Yeah, the ttf approach displays alright for me... somewhat. The reformatted characters now display (before they just didn't get displayed at all), but as odd brackets. I'll try and take a screenshot next time I test the game. It's right side up at least though. And some of my scripts seem that reposition the text seemed to have broken...

    I don't believe it ever formatted it for me in the Windows editor, so I was surprised to see it happen with this. I thought it might be an OS issue, and when I was googling it seems like Mac can reformat text used on a system wide rather than app specific level. The context (and solution for solving it ) was in reference to the Mountain Lion OS though, and I no longer can find an option to change it in Mavericks. Not sure if that means it no longer does it though, or if the feature is now tucked away somewhere even harder to pinpoint...


    31 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeFriday, 23. May 2014, 07:01 11 years ago
    I couldn't say... I'm currently only a windows user at the minute. Hopefully get a mac at some point in the future.

    The upside down text is a bug in my dev build (non-public).

    David mentioned something to me a while back in regards to the editor & wxwidgets (I think) in which it adapts itself around the OS somehow. The design of the editor/layout etc. I have no clue though as I don't have a mac, but from what I've gathered via all the bug reports from users on here, the mac version of the editor still has a few kinks to iron out.


    7286 Posts

  • #7, by BigStansFriday, 23. May 2014, 10:52 11 years ago
    an bug in wx. Possibly fixed in the Final smile

    Great Poster

    361 Posts

  • #8, by BenmirathSaturday, 24. May 2014, 05:40 11 years ago
    Awesome, Can't wait to check out the next version!
    Yeah, there's a couple of hiccups with the mac version, but its not so bad once you're aware of them for the most part. The few grievances are made up for with how much smoother it runs than when I was going through bootcamp.
    The two exceptions to this however being the value field bug and whatever weirdness goes on with copying certain objects like actions and outfits.


    31 Posts

  • #9, by BigStansTuesday, 27. May 2014, 00:17 11 years ago
    Value and Textfields are fixed. smile

    Great Poster

    361 Posts

  • #10, by BenmirathTuesday, 27. May 2014, 16:58 11 years ago
    Wooo! When should we anticipate the updated version coming out? grin


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