Lua Support for Curves

  • #1, by redsparkTuesday, 16. April 2019, 22:05 6 years ago
    Is there any more information on Curves other than the example in the Lua Docs?  I was wondering if there was a way to create or modify Curves within Lua.  For instance, if I wanted to have particles move from a point that the user clicks to an empty spot in the inventory, how would I set the beginning and end points for the curve as well as the handles?  Thanks.

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  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 16. April 2019, 22:36 6 years ago
    I wrote some bezier curve scripts/functions before Simon implemented curves in the engine. It was very complicated & somewhat hit & miss. Just use the editor to create different curves, then change which curve you want to use via the Lua functions.


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