Lua libcurl

  • #1, by darren-beckettWednesday, 15. March 2017, 17:58 8 years ago
    Are you able to give an example of how to display an image loaded into memory using the new Libcurl functions?

    This example from the forum is incomplete:
    function draw()
    if sprite2 ~= nil then
    sprite.position = {x = posx, y = 0}
    if sprite ~= nil then
    -- Font switch
    -- graphics.font = Fonts.blocked
    graphics.drawFont(" Test\nTest", 10, 10)
    startTween("posx", posx, 300, 3000, easeQuadInOut, true, true)

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  • #2, by darren-beckettThursday, 16. March 2017, 16:51 8 years ago
    1) Is is possible to display the HTML returned from a libcurl Get statement?
    2) Can the object be clickable? - Can it open a webpage?

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  • #3, by SimonSFriday, 17. March 2017, 00:30 8 years ago
    At best use this script:
    Lua-Curl script for Visionaire
    (c) 13/6/2015
    curl_multi = curl.new_multi()
    curls = {}
    handles_count = 1
    loadcount = 0
    max_loadcount = 10
    loadlist = {}
    function GET(url, func,param, buf, startoffset, endoffset)
     if buf~=nil then
      table.insert(curls,{,buf, func,param})
      table.insert(curls,{,{}, func,param})
        c = curls[#curls][1]
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_URL, url)
     if startoffset ~= nil then
      c:setopt(curl.OPT_RANGE, startoffset.."-"..endoffset)
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true)
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_TIMEOUT, 300)
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_IOCTLFUNCTION, function (param, buf) return #buf end)
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_HEADERFUNCTION, function (param, buf) return #buf end)
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_WRITEDATA, {curls[#curls]})
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_WRITEFUNCTION, function (param, buf)
            table.insert(param[1][2], buf) -- store a chunk of data received
            return #buf
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_PROGRESSDATA, {curls[#curls]})
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, function(param, dltotal, dlnow)
            if param[1][4][2]~=nil then
                param[1][4][2](dtotal, dnow)
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_NOPROGRESS, false) -- use this to activate progress
    function POST(url,data,func,param, buf, startoffset, endoffset, userPassword)
        if buf~=nil then
            table.insert(curls,{,buf, func,param})
            table.insert(curls,{,{}, func,param})
        c = curls[#curls][1]
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_URL, url)
        if startoffset ~= nil then
            c:setopt(curl.OPT_RANGE, startoffset.."-"..endoffset)
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true)
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_TIMEOUT, 300)
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_WRITEDATA, {curls[#curls]})
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_WRITEFUNCTION, function (param, buf)
            table.insert(param[1][2], buf) -- store a chunk of data received
            return #buf
     c:setopt(curl.OPT_POST, true)
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_POSTFIELDS, data)
        c:setopt(curl.OPT_NOPROGRESS, false) -- use this to activate progress
     c:setopt(curl.OPT_HTTPHEADER, "Content-Type: application/json")
     if userPassword ~= nil then
      c:setopt(curl.OPT_USERPWD, userPassword)
    function postRequest(httpurl, data, onFinish, onProgress, userPassword)
        POST(httpurl, data, onFinish, {nil, onProgress}, nil, nil, nil, userPassword)
    function downloadFile(httpurl, file, onFinish, onProgress)
        GET(httpurl, function(s, param) 
            local file =[1], "wb");file:write(s);file:close() 
        end, {file, onProgress})
    function downloadMemory(httpurl, onFinish, onProgress)
        GET(httpurl, onFinish, {nil, onProgress})
    function update_curl()
        while loadcount < max_loadcount and #loadlist > 0 do
            loadcount = loadcount + 1 
            GET(loadlist[1][1], function(s,param) loadcount = loadcount - 1; param[2](s,param[3]) end, loadlist[1])
            table.remove(loadlist, 1)
        local handles = curl_multi:perform()
        local result = curl_multi:info()
        if result ~= -1 then
            for k,v in pairs(curls) do
                if tostring(v[1]) == tostring(result) then
                    local size = v[1]:getinfo(curl.INFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD)
                    local downsize = v[1]:getinfo(curl.INFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD)
                    if(size~=-1 and size~=downsize)then
                        print("not complete")
                        local element = table.remove(curls, k)
                        table.remove(curls, k)
    registerEventHandler("mainLoop", "update_curl")

    You can then do something like this:

    downloadMemory("http://url...", function(s,code,param) 
      sprite = graphics.loadMemoryJPG(s)
    -- sprite = graphics.loadMemoryPNG(s)
    -- sprite = graphics.loadMemoryWEBP(s)
    downloadMemory("http://url...", function(s,code,param) 
      print(s) -- html

    If you want to open a webpage, use startDefaultBrowser, may not work everywhere.

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  • #4, by darren-beckettFriday, 17. March 2017, 10:44 8 years ago
    Thanks Simon

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  • #5, by darren-beckettFriday, 17. March 2017, 10:48 8 years ago
    Are you able to provide a link to some documentation relating to the specific implementation of libcurl?

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  • #6, by SimonSFriday, 17. March 2017, 10:56 8 years ago
    We're using this implementation:
    It's modified for curl_multi, so I'd recommend sticking to the script, I already did all the heavy lifting there. Also because curl is not very easy.

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  • #7, by darren-beckettFriday, 17. March 2017, 10:57 8 years ago
    This is great, we shouldn't need to bug you guys so much now :-)
    Thanks again.

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  • #8, by darren-beckettFriday, 17. March 2017, 14:22 8 years ago
    I can't see how to assign the downloaded picture to an objects sprite, is there no SetSprite method?

    Also, The script isn't showing correctly, the LessThan "<" sign makes it show wrongly:
    function update_curl()
       <i>--while loadcount 0 do</i>
       while loadcount < max_loadcount and #loadlist > 0 do
          loadcount = loadcount + 1

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  • #9, by SimonSSaturday, 18. March 2017, 19:58 8 years ago
    You need to draw the sprite yourself like you did in the initial code:

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  • #10, by sebastianSaturday, 18. March 2017, 20:45 8 years ago
    I hope there will be a tutorial for these lua lib curl stuff some time after VS5 release. 
    It seems very weird if you guys tell "you need to ..." and all the above code is a level to high for me grin 
    I could assume now that the "sprite" was the previousely fetched png/jpg/webp image from the downloadMemory() function, right?

    Often it sounds like:

    "you need to program to get a game" .... yeah... but how do i start here? razz

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  • #11, by darren-beckettSunday, 19. March 2017, 22:09 7 years ago
    Don't worry Seb, you don't need to do any of this stuff to make an awesome game.

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