Looking for adventure game focused art tutorials.

  • #1, by YinshoThursday, 01. August 2013, 02:00 11 years ago
    Does anyone know where I can find some art tutorials geared specifically toward making graphics for adventure games?


    35 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 01. August 2013, 04:13 11 years ago
    adventure games don't particularly have any set style when it comes to artwork as they come in a variety of styles whether 2D, 2.5D or 3D or whether artwork is pixelart, vector, traditionally/digitally hand painted, made out of paper or clay or even playdough wink

    http://vector.tutsplus.com/ is a good start for various digital drawing tutorials which even include a few game character design & animation tutorials.

    I'd recommend instead that you research various adventure games old & new from the Lucas/Sierra/Delphine days to present day adventure games.

    current popular choice over past couple of years seems to be vector art & some kind of oil painting look... other than that pixelart seems to have sneaked back into the mix somehow razz & can't forget about 3D; although personally I think of it as a sin when used in third person point & click games rather than in an FPS shooter where it belongs - but hey that's just my opinion & each to their own.


    7283 Posts

  • #3, by YinshoThursday, 01. August 2013, 09:37 11 years ago
    Pixelart is amazing, and fits point and click games so well for some reason.
    Then again, that could just be my general love for the retro-pixel look melding with my absolute love of adventure games, hehe.

    Recently I've beaten all 4 released episodes of the Blackwell Series, along with Primordia, all from Wadjet Eye Games, and loved them all. I've also played The Longest Journey (Though I haven't beaten it yet), as well as Dreamfall: The longest Journey, and the 3D adventure games are awesome as well. Though I think 3D graphics are a bit out of my league, unless I maybe found some royalty free bases or something. Even then, I probably wouldn't be able to do much with them, lol.

    You know what's odd? I like playing darker, more serious games. But if I try to come up with an idea for a game, I mostly get ideas for things that are either cute, or quirky.


    35 Posts

  • #4, by PykeThursday, 01. August 2013, 09:57 11 years ago
    Take a look at DAZ studios stuff. Honestly, they have some awesome sets and props that you could put together a really nice game with, and the program is super easy to use.

    DAZ, renders, with some Photoshop work over them can look very cool, and would be perfect for an Adventure Game.


    59 Posts

  • #5, by NigecThursday, 01. August 2013, 10:14 11 years ago
    I agree with Pyke grab Daz studio

    This guy:

    Used Sketchup for his background art, which is actually 3D

    Tales of the Odd: Brain Hotel used Poser for their character, Poser is like Daz Studio but on steroids (I prefer DAZ)
    They used toon shaders which you can do in Daz, and Daz's walk cycle is probably a lot better than the poser

    I couldn't draw to save my life! But there's plenty of 3D options, neither Sketchup or Daz are difficult to learn
    Without 3D I couldn't do much
    They reckon pixel art is a lot harder to do than vector

    Key Killer

    632 Posts

  • #6, by YinshoThursday, 01. August 2013, 11:57 11 years ago
    I grabbed DAZ already, since someone posted on here that it being given away for free by the company. But it doesn't have very much in it. Just the female model and 2 outfits worth of weird looking clothing.
    I know it's got a market for more content, but I don't currently have the money to go through it and buy things.
    Though using SketchUp for backgrounds sounds like a neat idea. o3o

    Do you have a link to the site for Poser? (I'm just assuming it's no where near free, but I'd like to check the price and look at the site anyway.)


    35 Posts

  • #7, by YinshoThursday, 01. August 2013, 12:03 11 years ago
    Oh, man. Nevermind.
    I found the site for it, and it's so expensive. 0n0


    35 Posts

  • #8, by NigecThursday, 01. August 2013, 12:59 11 years ago
    Yeah most of the Daz clothes are a bit erm lacking in material! very skimpy
    There is free stuff online some is ok, its hair I used to struggle with most
    Some people spend 1000's on content crazy thing is you'll probably only use it once, I bought the old age content and used it twice lol
    the female characters I've done are here

    Most of the first page is modeled in Sketchup

    Key Killer

    632 Posts

  • #9, by YinshoThursday, 01. August 2013, 13:43 11 years ago
    Do you know where I can look for free content for Daz?


    35 Posts

  • #10, by NigecThursday, 01. August 2013, 14:53 11 years ago

    Key Killer

    632 Posts