Loading clouseup shots in a scene when an area clicked...(what is the best way?)

  • #1, by AkcayKaraazmakTuesday, 14. October 2014, 14:19 11 years ago
    Hello guys,

    Lets say in a scene we have a table and when user clicks it then the closeup shot (sub-scene) of the table will be seen in fullscreen. And there user can click things etc.. So for this closeup shot, we should make a new seperate scene and load it when the table is clicked. Or there can be a better way show that sub-scene?

    Cheers smile

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  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 14. October 2014, 16:09 11 years ago
    Normally you would have created the close-up as another scene or maybe an interface. Now I suppose you could use the shader zoom/viewport to zoom into a specific spot in the scene as long as you don't need to change the perspective view.


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  • #3, by SDMonoTuesday, 14. October 2014, 16:52 11 years ago
    Lee is right, the best way of doing it is to make a separate scene. At least when the closeup shot is seen in fullscreen. Otherwise I would just blend it in.

    Wouldn't the shader zoom pixelate the image?

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  • #4, by AkcayKaraazmakTuesday, 14. October 2014, 16:58 11 years ago
    Thank you so much mates! Will do it like that.

    Yea it should pixelate the visuals if we'll use zoom. But if we use the image higher then the game res, then the zoomed image should be fine.

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  • #5, by afrlmeTuesday, 14. October 2014, 17:29 11 years ago
    Yeah my thoughts were to make background & objects at double the intended resolution & then zoom out by 100% for default view size & then zoom back in to default size when you want to zoom in.

    Actually the shader zooms quite well up to a certain degree without compromising the quality of the images. Test it on a scene with a zoom value between 1 & 2 & see what you think.


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  • #6, by bobby23Friday, 17. October 2014, 17:44 11 years ago
    Instead of doing a pixelate version (dunno how that is possible with Vis) , it will be easier if you do it in photoshop and then use that as a whole new scene. Thats what I do when my character looks in drawers etc.

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  • #7, by AkcayKaraazmakFriday, 17. October 2014, 17:48 11 years ago
    Yea with a seperate scene.

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