Loading an playing videos for different actions

  • #1, by robert-thurmanSunday, 02. September 2018, 04:58 6 years ago
    Hi I was wondering if it would be possible to make a small game where a npc asks “what year were you born?” And you have a list of answers to choose from “1984,1985,etc”

    And if answer you choose loads and plays a corresponding video, for example choosing 1984 will load video “1984” and choosing 1993 will load the video “1993”

    I was wondering how I would go about this in visionare studio?

    Thanks for your time and any help you can give 


    2 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 02. September 2018, 13:32 6 years ago
    You would use the dialog system. You are allowed to assign action parts to each dialog response besides text which can be used to play a video or change conditions/values or call a script or whatever else you can think of.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by robert-thurmanMonday, 03. September 2018, 15:35 6 years ago
    Hi AFRLme
    Thanks heaps, You have made my day! smile
     I really appreciate it, I can't wait to try it. smile


    2 Posts