
  • #1, by stefan-hagemannThursday, 21. June 2018, 16:01 6 years ago
    Hallo, Ich habe mal eine frage,Ich habe die Visionaire Studio 5 Indi einzelplatz lizenz gekauft. Ich kann mit der Lizenz für Windows, Mac , Linux, Spiele erstellen,
    Jetzt meine Frage   Darf ich mit der Lizenz auch Kommerzial Html 5 Spiele vermarkten?

    Ich habe in Visionaire Studio 5 gesehen das man Html5 Exportieren Kann,Finde Aber keine Info darüber ob das in die Indi einzelplatz Lizenz fällt.

    Herzlichen Dank für Alle Antworten.


    2 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 21. June 2018, 17:20 6 years ago
    What do you mean by commercially released html5 games? Are you talking about ads or selling the rights to use your game to publishers/companies?

    Just had a quick discussion with Simon as the licenses were created before html5 & the console platform targets were added to the engine.

    With either of the indie licenses you can distribute html5 games for free or monetize them with ads.

    If you want to sell html5 games to publishers/companies or have been commissioned by a publisher/company, then a professional license will be required.

    You can work on & export as many projects as you like with the indie license, so feel free to work on commercial titles with the indie license, but don't forget to acquire a professional license (per title/game) when you are ready to sell the game.

    If you have any further questions then don't hesitate to ask on here or via our Discord server (link is on footer - icon to the right of the twitter icon).


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by stefan-hagemannThursday, 21. June 2018, 17:34 6 years ago
    Thank you
    No I do not sell my Html5 game. I just expressed myself wrong. Thanks for your answer.


    2 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 21. June 2018, 17:39 6 years ago
    No worries. By all means, create & distribute as many free html 5 games as you like with either of the indie licenses. wink

    You can release as many games for windows, mac & linux as you like (commercially or for free) with the indie license too.

    Anyway,  happy developing.


    7285 Posts