Linking to URLs from HTML5 version

  • #1, by lukasMonday, 06. April 2020, 18:33 5 years ago
    I use the same project to build for several platforms. My Windows and MacOS versions have objects that, when clicked, execute a script opening a URL in the standard browser (the ususal startDefaultBrowser("https://XXXXX")). When building the game for HTML5, these links won’t work. Is there a command that keeps the HTML5 version of the game in one tab and opens a URL in a new one (or a new browser window)?


    10 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSTuesday, 07. April 2020, 15:31 5 years ago
    js([[, '_blank').focus();]])

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  • #3, by lukasTuesday, 14. April 2020, 11:17 5 years ago
    js([[, '_blank').focus();]])
    Thanks! Just in case someone stumbles upon this, the link has to be formatted with single quotation marks ('') and after a bit of experimenting I'd recommend to use 'self' instead of 'blank', as changing the tab seems to crash the game in Firefox.


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