Layering issue with objects and how to combine objects?

  • #1, by Robert Damien Ulf RubinoTuesday, 25. April 2017, 21:30 8 years ago
    Hi, I'm using Visionaire for a project in school and I'm having trouble figuring out why my character clips into objects that he walks up to. As you can see with the glass of wine, it appears in front of him when he interacts with it. I have the object center right below the object which usually fixes this issue but it might be because the item is outside of walkable area since I don't want him to walk on the desk?

    The next question I have is if someone could explain in simple terms how to combine two objects to a new one. What I want to do is combine rock and a stick to make a spear in the second scene but the mouse does not click and drag the object even though I have them set to "Objects and Characters" and "Combined Command."

    My last question is that my mouse interface doesn't work and the character will only interact with objects if it is set to "walk" executed on command or "left click" commands with the actions under it. I have made inactive/active cursors for each action and have set them to, what I think are the correct settings but still no luck. If I have the mouse set on "take" or "look" he will just walk up to the object and not do anything with it.

    Sorry for all the questions!


    5 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 25. April 2017, 22:27 8 years ago
    1. it's all about the object center & layer order. The scene objects have to be ordered based on the object center values. You can automatically order them with the double yellow arrow icon on the toolbar above the scene object list.

    Quick tip: An object center value of -1 will always be drawn behind the character sprites whereas an object center value of the scene height or scene height + 1 will always be drawn on top of the characters.

    Quick note: incorrectly ordered scene objects can create weird side effects in-game.

    As for the object center, it works by checking if the character position is above or below the y co-ordinate you specify. If it's above then the scene object sprite/animation is drawn behind the character, if it's below then the scene object sprite/animation is drawn on top of the character. The character position is based on the animation center you specify for each of your characters animations - ideally this should be somewhere in between the feet of your character & the animation center should be the same x,y coordinate for each of your characters animations (if you aligned them correctly in your image/3D editing software).

    2. combined command doesn't actually do anything other than generate some action text by the cursor or in an action area box if you specified it should use rect on main game settings tab.

    Dragged items doesn't actually mean left click hold & drag - I know, it confused me too - it just means if you left click on an item that it will add that items sprite as the cursor & that you can then use actions such as "item 'x' dropped" or "item 'y' dropped (immediate)" actions inside of scene objects to create events/make the protagonist do something if the specified item was dropped on the scene object.

    Combining requires multiple different instances of items. The separated item & then the combined item. You need to create the same actions for the 2 separated items, something like... if item "rock" is dropped on "stick" or "item stick" is dropped on "rock" (in case other way around) remove stick from inventory, remove rock from inventory, add spear.

    Sorry for being a bit vague. Cooking at the minute, but I'm sure you can figure out what you need to do. wink


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by Robert Damien Ulf RubinoThursday, 27. April 2017, 00:21 8 years ago
    Hi again! Thank you for the help about layering, I'll try to work some more with it before asking anything else since it seems like it should be a simple fix. However, would you be able to elaborate more on the combined objects/dragging objects aspects? I tried using the glenfx tutorial about it but I got lost. This is what I have in the objects tab for the rock now but it doesn't work since I can't drag the item, I guess.

    I figured both of those issues out but my next question is if I want a door to be locked but be unlocked with using a key on it how would I make that action/condition?
    I am combining a book and some ink to make a "key" which will appear in the inventory and unlock the door. When the key is in the inventory, I can click and drag it on the door but the condition won't respond. What do I have to do?


    5 Posts

  • #4, by blanoThursday, 27. April 2017, 02:22 8 years ago
    one thing: did you create the action area?


    68 Posts

  • #5, by Robert Damien Ulf RubinoThursday, 27. April 2017, 02:26 8 years ago
    one thing: did you create the action area?
    I created an object area, but not an action one unless those are the same? If they're different where would I go for that?


    5 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeThursday, 27. April 2017, 02:30 8 years ago
    Answered - albeit vaguely again - in the other thread you have created. wink

    By the way, have you checked out the downloads section of this website? There's plenty of example demo games available for download, which include the ved & asset files. I always find reverse engineering is a great way to learn something.


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