Latest Patch Breaks Objects Layer Depth

  • #1, by made-from-stringsFriday, 06. March 2020, 20:02 4 years ago
    Scenes look fine in the editor but once the game launches objects begin to flicker. It's as if once the game is running ever object losses it's layer and object center. Everything flickers like it can't decide which object is above others.


    7 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSFriday, 06. March 2020, 20:08 4 years ago
    how much layers/object do you have ?

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    1582 Posts

  • #3, by made-from-stringsFriday, 06. March 2020, 20:14 4 years ago
    The largest room has about 40 with objects, particles, and everything. Haven't had any trouble with it till the latest update. Also oddly sometimes leaving the room and coming back to it makes everything work fine! Also flickering has occured with scenes that have less then 10 objects in them.  Going back to previous patch everything runs fine.


    7 Posts

  • #4, by SimonSFriday, 06. March 2020, 20:15 4 years ago
    Are all layers in correct order with object center ? The sorting algorithm sometimes produced flickering if they weren't ordered correctly.

    Thread Captain

    1582 Posts

  • #5, by made-from-stringsFriday, 06. March 2020, 20:50 4 years ago
    I will double check on that and let you know.


    7 Posts

  • #6, by made-from-stringsFriday, 06. March 2020, 21:15 4 years ago
    I was able to reduce some flickering using the object center but now I'm unable to get the paricles to layer up correctly. No matter what I do they seem to be forcing their way to the front. Is there something I'm missing?


    7 Posts

  • #7, by made-from-stringsFriday, 06. March 2020, 21:31 4 years ago
    Ok so the particles look correct in the editor and if the launch the game straight into the scene I'm working on the layers are incorrect. If i leave the room and then re-enter it the layers are as they should be.


    7 Posts

  • #8, by made-from-stringsFriday, 06. March 2020, 21:34 4 years ago
    Ok I give up. Sometimes I enter rooms and everything is as it should. Other times it's completely different not just out of order but missing entire layers.


    7 Posts

  • #9, by SimonSFriday, 06. March 2020, 22:04 4 years ago
    can you send me the ved so I can check it ? Via pm if you don't want it public.

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