Keep an Item (UsedItem) after use/combine

  • #1, by PanSFriday, 19. July 2019, 10:34 5 years ago
    I  maybe have an unusual method to use inventory items. Every item has its own cursor and I used this script for it when clicking on an item:
    function setObjectCursor()
      if game.CurrentObject then
        local objName = game.CurrentObject
        game.ActiveCommand = Interfaces.int_interactions.Buttons.act_combine
        if game.Cursors["cur_"..objName:getName()] then
          system.cursor = game.Cursors["cur_"..objName:getName()]
          system.cursor = game.Cursors["cur_obj_default"]
        game.UsedItem = objName -- game drop this part after try to combine
        lastUsedItem = objName

    Works fine but after combine an item with something the engine clears game.UsedItem. So there is still  the correct cursor and combine command but no item to use.

    At the moment I bypass this problem with an script which is called if clicked the left mousebutton and combine command is still active:
    function getUsedItem()
        game.UsedItem = lastUsedItem

    Is there a better method. Maybe an option or function in Visionaire Studio or something I didnt see or so?


    73 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 19. July 2019, 13:07 5 years ago
    It's probably to do with what you have set "activate standard command" to in the main game settings section of your project. Only after successful execution or always will clear the item/command on left click, though the former will only clear if you click on an object/character/item that contains x command/item in the actions list.

    You current method sounds about right, but that depends on how you setup what I just mentioned. Never would never clear the current item/command, & you would have to manually reset the item/command yourself, via scripting or action parts or the mouse properties section of the editor.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by PanSFriday, 19. July 2019, 13:55 5 years ago
    active standard command is on "never (ger: Nie)"

    So the command (combine) and the cursor (item_cursor) stay but the item doesnt.

    My method works like that:
    You click on the item and the script starts (setObjectCursor()).

    If you click on nothing in a scene, the char walks to the position (how I want it)-> command (combine), cursor AND item remain active

    If you click on an action-area in the scene or an other item in inventory it ALLWAYS starts a action. Mostly only the char says something like "I cant combine that" -> command (combine) and the cursor remain, BUT the item doesnt. UsedItem is now "---empty---"

    I attach a pic for better understanding what happens when interacting with the world.

    Maybe its a bug?


    73 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeFriday, 19. July 2019, 14:16 5 years ago
    it could be that objects clear automatically when you left click on something? I don't personally use items that way. I use a pure command based system with commands linked to cursors. When I use command "left_click" on an item it sets command "itm_item-name" & changes to the cursor linked to the command.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by PanSFriday, 19. July 2019, 17:37 5 years ago
    Oh, nice idear. Next game I should use this way grin

    Could "SavedObject" works in my case or caus it troubles with other functions?


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