Issues with send character to object and displaying text when canceling the action

  • #1, by tobiassvenbladMonday, 30. October 2017, 21:01 7 years ago
    I currently have the following action for an object that you can examine:

    Right click (immediate)
     -- Send character 'Current character' to position (260, 155) and wait
     -- Align character 'Current character' to the right
     -- Display text by character 'Current character'

    The issue I have is when you click on the object and go examine it, and then immediately click somewhere else on the scene, it plays out a little funny for some reason. Take a look at the workflow that's currently happening in my project:

    1. Right click on an object on the scene (to examine it).
    2. Character begins walking to the point 260, 155.
    3. Click somewhere else on the scene and the character will move there instead (let us say point 130, 50).
    4. Character arrives at point 130, 50.
    5. Character will align himself to the right.
    6. Character will display the text for the object examine.

    My question is, how do I make the character to ignore the alignment and the display text when clicking somewhere else on the scene after having right clicked on an object you want to examine? Can this be done with a globally used LUA script? Or a condition/value?

    Also, what's the best practice when it comes to displaying text and sending characters off to a point when examining objects?


    7 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianMonday, 30. October 2017, 21:07 7 years ago
    Hey there,

    Just dont use "Right click (immediate)", but "Right click (executaion at destination)" instead.
    Remove the "Send character 'Current character' to position (260, 155) and wait" . The character will walk there if you defined an object position in that object without any additional action parts.
    The action parts inside the right click action will then only run when the character reaches the object destination.

    kind regards

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #3, by tobiassvenbladTuesday, 31. October 2017, 18:04 7 years ago
    Hey there,

    Just dont use "Right click (immediate)", but "Right click (executaion at destination)" instead.
    Remove the "Send character 'Current character' to position (260, 155) and wait" . The character will walk there if you defined an object position in that object without any additional action parts.
    The action parts inside the right click action will then only run when the character reaches the object destination.

    kind regards

    That doesn't seem to work for me. I have, as per my understanding of your suggestion, the following actions on the object:

    Right click (executaion at destination)
    -- Display text by character 'Current character'

    + Added object position and alignment in the properties tab

    However, it doesn't seem to do anything. My character just stands there. If I however left click on the object, my character begins walking to it, and when he stands at the point (let's say 260, 155) and I right click on the object, the display text works. So, it seems as if the "object position" in the properties tab are just for left clicks, while the "execute at destination" is for everything but left clicks. 

    One thing that does work though is this:

    Right click (immediate)
    -- Send character 'Current character' to object 'Object' and wait
    -- Display text by character 'Current character'

    That requires me to enter no coordinates in the action tab, but it will still leave me back at square one. To better explain the issue I'm experiencing, check out this video I made:

    I first click on the map, then I click somewhere else to "cancel" the action, but when the character stops, he will still execute the Display text... action. Then, I perform the action and wait until the character walks to the object so you can see how it would look like normally.

    Any more suggestions?


    7 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeTuesday, 31. October 2017, 18:31 7 years ago
    We can't see the video. As for execute at destination, that's the correct method. You may have disabled setting the destination with right click. Go to the main game settings section of the editor then browse to mouse properties & check the radial buttons at the side of the right mouse button properties. Enable it so that it can update position. By default it's set so that it doesn't update the character postion, you can enable so that the destination can be updated whenever you right click or only when clicking on a scene object or a character.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by tobiassvenbladTuesday, 31. October 2017, 19:03 7 years ago
    We can't see the video. As for execute at destination, that's the correct method. You may have disabled setting the destination with right click. Go to the main game settings section of the editor then browse to mouse properties & check the radial buttons at the side of the right mouse button properties. Enable it so that it can update position. By default it's set so that it doesn't update the character postion, you can enable so that the destination can be updated whenever you right click or only when clicking on a scene object or a character.
    Oh, it was listed as private. But that doesn't matter, because you solved it! Thank you, never even thought of checking the Mouse tab! Much appreciated the help. Take care smile


    7 Posts