Is there any way to execute an animation only when the before animation has ended?

  • #1, by rubngimnezThursday, 08. March 2018, 19:25 7 years ago
    Is there any way to execute an animation only when the before animation has ended?

    I try to explain a little bit, so the question is try to make possible seamless transitions between actions (Walk -> Stands). In order to do that I need to make loop animations and start the next animation withe my last keyframe, but I need to complete the animation and after complete the animations start the next action. Any idea? 

    Also I'm running an animations at 25 fps, but I want to control the speed of movement so I tried to use the Walking Speed at 150. Now the animation positions it's better but it seems to be blurred.



    3 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianThursday, 08. March 2018, 20:04 7 years ago
    In case you want to daisychain your animations which are always the same, you can edit your last frame of animation A and in there use the action field to start Animation B. In Animation B's last frame  use the action field to start Animation C. In Animation C's last frame use the action field to start Animation D....

    But it seems that you want to use walkanimations and therefore the "last" frame is more or less dynamically depending on how far the char walked, right? 
    For each animation there is also an action field for the whole animation where you set the frame pauses, etc. Maybe this could help. But im not sure if "finished" is meant to be "did one round" or "animation stopped, no matter where"...

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  • #3, by afrlmeThursday, 08. March 2018, 23:08 7 years ago
    What do you mean by 25fps?  The default walk system doesn't look very pretty as it slides the animation over x distance then changes to the next frame. To combat this you need to mess around with the global pause delay value between the animation frames & the walk speed otherwise you end up with the characters walk animations looking like they are jittering/vibrating.

    I highly recommend turning off the default sliding walk option in the characters properties tab & manually sorting out the movement yourself between each animation frame. It's a lot more work, but the end result is much more pleasing as you can create a more realistic looking walk animation where the characters feet are fixed to the ground rather than sliding.


    7285 Posts

  • #4, by rubngimnezFriday, 09. March 2018, 10:28 7 years ago
    A lot of information to digest hahahaha... AFRLme I totally understand what you are saying for the walk behaivor. I'm definitily gonna do that, it's like doing it in After Effects for character animation in order to make right contact floor when characters walks.

    Sebastian: Finished means that the animation ends in the last frame regardless of whether the character has already reached its destination. In other words, you click a point destination, the character goes to the position with walkanimation, and when the character arrives to the destination the animation still runs until it reach the last frame. 
    With this particular workaround I can establish an animation pipeline, more or less logical to link animations between them. Any idea is welcome. Right now I'm trying to establish an action part "Wait until animation is finished" but there's no animation on the Outfits. I attach a screenshot. 

    I'm really surprised how well the animations are running, I definitly the money for the license worth it 100%. And I'm incredibly excited about the comunity, how fast the people answer the questions. Awesome. 



    3 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeFriday, 09. March 2018, 12:00 7 years ago
    Ok we understand what you are asking for now. The ability to have an end walk animation play out. Unfortunately that's not very easy. Begin walk animation is easy, but end walk requires you to keep track of the walk animation frames & which walk animation. You would then have to manually start an animation under the character animation table & force it to play from the last active frame of the walk animation before the character swapped back to idle which might look horrible depending on which frame was active before it ended.

    Maybe Simon could code/implement a walk end system into the engine at some point in the future to make this more simple.


    7285 Posts

  • #6, by rubngimnezSaturday, 10. March 2018, 11:40 7 years ago
    Ok, I get it. I'm allways thinking with the vision of an animator so I really don't know if there's already a solution to make seamless transition between animations. At least I want to try the option that plays the animation till the end of the talk cycle, but right know I'm stuck. 
    For now I got a room with an object clickable, the main character working, more or less, for mockup it can works, and you know what?... That's more than my last try with Unity3D.

    Do you think that a "walk end system" could be usefull? For me sounds a great solution, I really want to know  your opinion. How can I send a future function request or wish list to Simon?



    3 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeSaturday, 10. March 2018, 12:56 7 years ago
    Just request it via this forum, but there's no guarantee he will add such a thing & if he does decide to implement such a feature, then there will be no telling when as he's busy sorting out a lot of other things at the minute.

    I think it's possible as I believe Alex already coded an optional system into the engine recently called "harmonize walk animations" which remembers the current walk frame your character was on before changing to a new direction & carries on from that frame number for the walk animation of the new direction. The biggest problem with the end walk is to do with the fact that your walk animations tend to contain the frames that animate both left & right leg movement rather than each leg individually. I suppose what you could do is tell the engine to carry on or rewind back to frame x if current frame is more than or less than a specific value.


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