Is it possible to convert 3D models of environment into 2D (2.5) for further using them in the Visionaire studio?

  • #1, by ArtchieMThursday, 14. August 2014, 02:15 11 years ago
    I have a little, or some experience of using tools such as IClone and DAZ Studio which have been used for creating all models in 3D format so as to further use them in the games or videos, but as far as i know Visionaire Studio supports game making process in the 2 2.5D format which is not that wanted, so instead of initially making the whole environment that is suited to Visionaire 2D format, I would like to ask if there is any solution I can convert 3D (env.) models from those programs that I've mentioned into Visionaire studio?


    6 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 14. August 2014, 03:15 11 years ago
    The backgrounds have to be exported from the 3d programs as png or jpg image (png recommended). You could theoretically export objects from a 3d scene as a 3d model & import it as a 3d character.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by ArtchieMThursday, 14. August 2014, 03:52 11 years ago
    Ok, but if let say I did some animation to some objects inside of any 3D program, then will it mean that I have to remake it in Visionaire from scratch again?


    6 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 14. August 2014, 04:58 11 years ago
    I believe I answered this in the post you made the other day? I can't say about using 3d models or animations associated with 3d. Not my area. If you were to export them for 2d though you would have to import the frames into vs; either 1 by 1 or as a batch by naming them with a prefix.

    For example, let's say we have an animation called "ball_bounce" which has 10 frames. So what I do so that I can import them in as a batch is name the files something like so: ball_bounce_1, ball_bounce_2, ball_bounce_3, ... , ball_bounce_10. I then use the multiple frame import option button & select 1 of he frames & it will open up a small window saying from x file to x file & will import them in correct order based on filename.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by ArtchieMThursday, 14. August 2014, 05:19 11 years ago
    Yes, I was definitely forgot about this, sorry.., so it is frame by frame or as you here mentioned as a batch which is more convenient I suppose, will try to figure them out one day, hope tutorials also teach of how to do it!
    Big thank you for the relating answers bro, very good work!


    6 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeThursday, 14. August 2014, 11:52 11 years ago
    no problem. 3D models can also contain animations too as far as I'm aware but I've not delved into the 3d part of the engine much as I prefer 2d & don't have much of an understanding of 3d in general.

    I'd link you to a page on our wiki about 3d model stuff, but the wiki seems to be down at the minute.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by NigecThursday, 14. August 2014, 14:25 11 years ago
    I use Sketchup to make scenes, its a very fast work flow and a easy application to learn, there's also a huge warehouse with every item you could imagine.. just beware quite a lot are rubbish!

    Daz characters to Visionaire isn't that simple, usually the eyes, hair and eyelashes don't have transparency so you need to import them into something else to fix this and also the animation tracks names
    Also read the licensing on Daz characters, clothing and hair, restrictions apply, rendered images are fine but re using geometry is a different matter

    Daz Studio can be a money pit even though its free the content isn't and you can end up spending a fair bit just to get the character to how you want it and probably buying stuff that just doesn't look like it did on the web site

    I'd try Makehuman and then use Blender for animation and textures

    Key Killer

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