iOS Version on iOS 8.4 and iOS 9.X unstable - 64-Bit-Support ?

  • #1, by rfmTuesday, 15. September 2015, 17:15 10 years ago
    We have trouble getting the App running on iOS 8.4 and iOS 9 (on iPad and iPhone)

    Our App starts on iOS 7 and seems to be stable but on iOS 8.4 and iOS 9 it crashes if i click the App Icon. Sometimes after 10 times clicking the icons the app finally starts. Sometimes after 2 or 5 clicks. Sometimes i can click 40 times and it never starts...

    When can we expect an Update of Visionaire Studio with support to iOS 8.4 and 9 ?
    Is there already a 64 bit support for iOS from Visionaire-Studio?


    4 Posts