iOS Target Platform (Visionaire Player)

  • #1, by vanoakTuesday, 07. November 2017, 16:32 7 years ago

    I was hoping to test a project on my iPhone but the current Player FAQs don't have anything regarding that option nor I'm sure they should. I know enough Xcode to compile an Unity project but that's it.

    Is there a tutorial or written procedure I can follow somewhere?

    Thank you.

    EDIT: sure, i was not aware that i posted twice.


    26 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 07. November 2017, 16:47 7 years ago
    iOS is currently unavailable. Apple changed something a while back so Simon has been reworking it. I think it should be available again with the next update which is supposed to be happening this week/weekend based on what Simon said recently.

    P.S: can you please edit & delete the duplicated thread, cheers. smile


    7286 Posts

  • #3, by vanoakTuesday, 07. November 2017, 16:59 7 years ago
    Ok, looking forward to.


    26 Posts

  • #4, by trepnTuesday, 07. November 2017, 17:03 7 years ago
    If you have an Apple developer account you can resign the ipa created by Visionaire Studio 4 (Visionaire Studio 5 doesn't support it yet) with a developer certificate and a provisioning profile created in the apple developer console. I used EasyResigny to do this. When done you can install the ipa using the 'Devices' window in XCode. Here you select your device and use the + icon under 'Installed apps' and upload your resigned ipa. 

    I noticed that the ipa created by visionaire by default only targets tablets, but this can be bypassed by editing the info.plist inside the file. To do this rename the exported .ipa to .zip, extract, rightclick the Visionaire, 'show package contents'. Now you see the Info.plist file, open this file and add a value to UIDevice family, I believe this is integer 1 but just open it in XCode this will recognize the values. You'll have to do this before resigning the app.


    60 Posts

  • #5, by vanoakTuesday, 07. November 2017, 17:20 7 years ago
    @trpn Thanks for the detailed explanation! 

    When you say "an Apple developer account" are you refering to the paid version or the free one?


    26 Posts

  • #6, by trepnTuesday, 07. November 2017, 17:37 7 years ago
    That is the paid account at, you need this to create the certificates. For as far as I know this can only be done with a paid account.

    Also I wasn't able to get it to work on the Simulator. I get an error that de file architecture is not supported, device works fine though.


    60 Posts