iOS Build Help

  • #1, by tudor-stamateSunday, 17. November 2019, 11:01 5 years ago
    Hi guys!

    We're trying to build and run our game on an iOS device (iPhone XS). We have managed to build the ipa from Visionaire, edit the info.plist file in order to support mobile devices, re-signed the app and successfully installed it on the device.

    However we are encountering the following problems:
    1. The game is displayed in portrait mode, although the info.plist settings are only set for Landscape. The game uses a resolution with the same aspect ratio as our device (iPhone XS)
    2. There are absolutely no sounds playing. All of our sound files are in ogg format and we're mostly using the Audio Containers feature.

    Is there more documentation about building on device?
    Has anyone encountered these problems before?



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