Interfaces - different class types - how to use

  • #1, by andiliddellTuesday, 15. August 2017, 18:28 8 years ago
    Hi all,

    I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this for me.

    I'm simply wanting to have a "controls" interface be shown when I hit the show controls button on my secondary interface. It's just a PNG image that tells the user the main controls for my game. I want it to fill the screen, covering the game and collecting any mouse clicks so the character doesn't go wandering off in the background.

    I've tried setting it up as a class type of [empty], miscaellaneous, and options type of interface, but simply cannot get any of these to show up when I toggle them with show/hide interface.

    which led me to wonder if you had multiple interfaces (say for 3 different characters), how would you even specify which one of your interfaces to show hide, if they all had the same class type?

    Maybe I'm missing something, but this seems overly complicated/unclear to me?
    I've tried 3 different solutions and none of them work.

    Hope someone can help.


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    178 Posts

  • #2, by EinzelkämpferTuesday, 15. August 2017, 19:32 8 years ago
    About interfaces in general:

    Only 1 interface per class can be the active one and can be used. So if you have several interfaces you want to use at the same time, you must not put them in the same class.

    The class titles don't mean anything. All classes are equal. You can add more classes if needed through the explorer (CTRL+E).

    You can switch the active interface (of its class) through the "Set interface of a character" action part. The "Show/Hide interface" action part shows/hides the currently active interface of the specified class.

    Interfaces will show up only, if they are linked to the currently active character (Tab "Interfaces" under "Character").

    If you have three characters and want each of them to have its own interface, just put all of these interfaces in the same class and link each interface to its character only.

    If you want to show an interface fullscreen and prevent the user from clicking in the scene behind it, just make the interface the same size as your game resolution, so that it covers the entire screen (use the alpha transparency). If your PNG fills the whole screen without tranparency and the underlying scene cannot be seen at all, don't use an interface, but make it a menu.

    Hope this helps.


    81 Posts

  • #3, by andiliddellTuesday, 15. August 2017, 23:18 8 years ago
    Hi einzelkaempfer,

    Thanks so much, this is extremely helpful.

    You've explained it perfectly. 
    It's a shame it isnt explained anywhere else in the doucmentation, but I'm very grateful for you detailed response.

    Thanks again

    Forum Fan

    178 Posts

  • #4, by EinzelkämpferWednesday, 16. August 2017, 10:55 8 years ago
    You're welcome. smile


    81 Posts