Init failed error

  • #1, by SepulkaSaturday, 27. August 2016, 18:51 9 years ago
    Hello! Please help me, I'm getting crazy...

    I've downloaded a free VS and demo-games to get acquainted with the program. Whenever I try to run any game, I get "Init failed" error. I mean ved-files, not exe. Exe-files work just fine.

    I've googled a bit about this problem and I found out that it probably has something to do with old OpenGL, I updated my graphic drivers (Intel) and downloaded OpenGL Extensions Viewer, it shows that I have 4.0 version of OpenGL...I guess it means, that the problem is somewhere else...but where? I have Windows 8.1.

    Vielen Dank im Voraus, Sepulka.


    4 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSSaturday, 27. August 2016, 19:36 9 years ago
    did you look into the messages.log ?
    You'll find that in C:\Users\name\Local\company\game\ or if no company is set VisionaireStudio.

    Thread Captain

    1593 Posts

  • #3, by SepulkaSaturday, 27. August 2016, 23:06 9 years ago
    Well, I did look, but it hardly helped, because it was for me as informative as a book in Chinese wink

    If I understand correctly, the path you give leads to logs of exe-files. I found them and there is:
    a) nothing;
    b) Error: ShaderSetOptions: An option has not the format string=integer (8 times);
    c) just ordinary things like "fullscreen mode is off!", "subtitles are currently set to on!", "text language is currently set to German".

    Nothing interesting, as you can see. I guess I should show you messages.log from Visionaire Editor "Log window", because the error happens when I try to run ved-files via this program (Extras->Run game).

    23:31:34: Log file for Visionaire Editor 4.2.5, freeware version (Build: 1183)
    23:31:34: Current date: 27.08.16 21:31
    23:31:34: -------------------------------------
    23:31:34: Loading 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Visionaire Studio 4\xml\structures.xml'...
    23:31:34: Loading 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Visionaire Studio 4\xml\actions.xml'...
    23:31:34: Loading 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Visionaire Studio 4\xml\actionParts.xml'...
    23:31:34: Finished sorting action parts.
    23:31:34: Loading valid links...
    23:31:34: Successfully loaded 'xml/validlinks.xml'.
    23:31:34: WARNING: 0:42: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:42: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:42: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:42: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:42: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:117: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:118: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:132: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:132: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:136: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:136: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20

    23:31:34: WARNING: 0:42: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:42: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:42: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:42: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:42: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:117: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:118: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:132: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:132: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:136: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20
    WARNING: 0:136: 'assign' : implicit type conversion allowed from GLSL 1.20

    23:31:45: Serialization finished. Needed time: 55 ms
    23:31:45: SetupParents finished. Needed time: 1 ms
    23:31:45: SortLinks finished. Needed time: 3 ms

    That's it...


    4 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeSaturday, 27. August 2016, 23:26 9 years ago
    You might need to set log level to "info" via extras > options... > player: log level = info to allow it to generate all warnings, errors & general print messages into the messages.log file.

    Could you please provide more information about your computer? OS, RAM, Graphics card, make, model, cpu, etc. Fastest method would probably be to use gyazo or something to create screenshots of computer information & graphics card properties...

    Control panel > system and security > system, to get general computer info.

    Right click anywhere on desktop > screen resolution > advanced settings, to show graphic card information.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by SepulkaSunday, 28. August 2016, 10:13 9 years ago
    Ich habe das Problem gefunden...sehr prosaisch: die kyrillische Schrift im Pfadname. Ich wollte schon das Betriebssystem neu installieren...

    Danke für eure Antworten und Entschuldigung!


    4 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeSunday, 28. August 2016, 12:09 9 years ago
    Good to know. wink

    Quick note: it's not recommended to use any kind of special letters / alphabet types when naming things in your project.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by SepulkaSunday, 28. August 2016, 20:20 9 years ago
    Yup, I will be careful smile


    4 Posts