Html, how to?

  • #1, by blanoTuesday, 18. September 2018, 11:56 6 years ago
    Hi people, i continue with my annoing questions about exporting.. and so on..
    today i decided to export my playable demo and share in my online portfolio, but how to?
    i scaled the game to 800x600 (it's natively 1280x720), i checked the "convert to webpg, and buit it... but the only things i see on the webpage it's a blackscreen with vis logo, "downloading"(with no other datas) and "running", then nothing else... may have to wait?? let me know!

    bye Blano


    68 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 18. September 2018, 12:06 6 years ago
    It can take quite a while to load - at least casino royale game that was uploaded as an html5 game did - as did the other html5 game a student uploaded - I've forgotten the name of that particular game though (me & my bad memory, sorry).


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by sebastianTuesday, 18. September 2018, 12:07 6 years ago
    do you run it online or just opened the html file locally? 

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  • #4, by blanoTuesday, 18. September 2018, 12:23 6 years ago
    Hi Sebastian, i tried in both modes and no.. i'll try to wait wink


    AFRLme, you meant this thread?

    i just seen that website, but the main difference is that in his case, you can see the load progression, not in mine..
    maybe too heavy? any error?


    68 Posts

  • #5, by NigecTuesday, 18. September 2018, 12:45 6 years ago
    if you have mp3 sound it will fail

    does this work for you? it runs like cr*p but it eventually its gets itself together so its almost playable
    it takes about 20 seconds to load, and it works in Firefox, Edge and Chrome.. chrome it loads in 10 seconds

    edit btw that's basically the Zep template built as html5, I did nothing to it, ideally it would need some love to get the file sizes down
    I'm on cable broadband as well but it does work on a really slow dual core laptop with the worst wireless connection ever

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #6, by blanoTuesday, 18. September 2018, 15:03 6 years ago
    ok, i converted all mp3 files to ogg and it works, last thing, in offline mode it, some of backgrounds are deformed.. do you know what may be the reason? thank you for now! excellent community!


    68 Posts

  • #7, by sebastianTuesday, 18. September 2018, 16:46 6 years ago
    could be the result of resizing your game down for export. 

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  • #8, by afrlmeTuesday, 18. September 2018, 17:47 6 years ago
    could be the result of resizing your game down for export. 
    likely that as the custom resolution export thing isn't perfect - Simon mentioned something about it a little while back. You might as well leave it at the default resolution. 1280x720 should be fine for html5.

    The other reason the backgrounds/graphics could be a little warped is because you used the export option for converting to webp rather than building your game with webp to begin with. I find it best to work directly with webp files when I work on games as you can see how your game looks/runs while you work on it & monitor the system resource usage via the developer tools Simon implemented.


    7285 Posts

  • #9, by NigecTuesday, 18. September 2018, 19:54 6 years ago
    yeah if you try and change the aspect ratio the games graphics shift, if a graphic is smaller than the background res it will shift as if it fitted a wider resolution

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #10, by blanoTuesday, 18. September 2018, 20:23 6 years ago
    allright men, i FINALLY solved, when i open the html file everithing looks fine!

    i share my process to future users with my same problem:

    1)convert all audios to OGG files;
    2)save your png files into webp files (backgrounds and scene objects mostly)
    3)when you're export your game, leave unchecked "convert to webp",  and don't scale to any other resolution!

    Thanks to your help AFRLme, thank you, comunity!



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