How to use a scene object on another scene object?

  • #1, by AkcayKaraazmakFriday, 31. July 2015, 10:53 9 years ago
    Hi guys,

    Does anyone know how to use a scene object on another scene object without taking it into inventory. Situation is, there is big stick in the room and user need to use that stick object on a device object in the scene. I dont want the character to put that big long stick in his inventory grin, it will be funny and wierd smile


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  • #2, by sebastianFriday, 31. July 2015, 10:58 9 years ago
    im new to vs but maybe i can guess here hiw it could work:
    create an item to identify there is a log you can use. You dont put it in the inventory but now you can use the "set item" action part to pick the log up directly ro your cursor and use it with objects in the scene.

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  • #3, by AkcayKaraazmakFriday, 31. July 2015, 13:30 9 years ago
    I couldnt make it work like that mate, :\ .. thank you for your response

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  • #4, by afrlmeMonday, 03. August 2015, 13:11 9 years ago
    If you want to show the character walking with said item then create a custom outfit containing the character walking & standing idle with said item. When you pick up the item change to the new outfit & maybe set a condition. It might be an idea to disable your inventory temporarily while the condition is true & also if the item is only to be used in the current scene / area then it might be an idea to wrap your interaction actions for each scene object in an if query to check if condition is false so that it only performs regular actions when the default outfit is active. Same again for the scene object that you want to use the item on but with query containing condition is true.

    I guess any which way that you go about this will be fairly complicated to achieve. This was just one theoretical example out of a few different methods you could probably use.


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  • #5, by AkcayKaraazmakTuesday, 04. August 2015, 14:10 9 years ago
    Hello Lee. Yea as you said if the character will hold the scene item then we need another outfit. But what I want is, just to select an object from the scene, and when doing it, change the cursor to that object's image and then user can click on the other scene object. This cant be possbile?

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  • #6, by sebastianTuesday, 04. August 2015, 15:31 9 years ago
    Hello Lee. Yea as you said if the character will hold the scene item then we need another outfit. But what I want is, just to select an object from the scene, and when doing it, change the cursor to that object's image and then user can click on the other scene object. This cant be possbile?

    Just what i described worked for me. Tested it out a few minutes back. What doesn't work when you tried it?

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  • #7, by AkcayKaraazmakTuesday, 04. August 2015, 17:32 9 years ago
    Hello Sebastian. Could you please send me your test vis file. I could understand good how you did it. I made the item but then the rest didnt work for me:\

    Cheers smile

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  • #8, by afrlmeTuesday, 04. August 2015, 17:44 9 years ago
    I think... (based on what he said)

    1. create an item for it in the item section of VS.

    2. when clicking on the scene object: add a set item action part containing the item version of the scene object with the dragged option ticked.


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  • #9, by sebastianTuesday, 04. August 2015, 17:50 9 years ago
    I made it in a project so i have not a test-vis-project.
    But here is what i made (using the latest VS version):

    1. Create an Item which represents the object in the scene you want to use (e.g. Log) and added an Image for it. This Item never goes into the inventory. Its just there to use it directly when interacting with a scene object.
    2. In the scene when using an action on the desired object (e.g. "use") add these action part : SET ITEM "Log" AS DRAGGED ITEM
      (you have to tick "dragged item" here in the action part)
    3. As soon as you use the desired action ingame on the object, the belonging item gets set as the dragged item which you can now drop on other objects in the scene. Nothing is put into your inventory.

    EDIT: yeah.. just what lee said xD

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  • #10, by AkcayKaraazmakTuesday, 04. August 2015, 20:22 9 years ago
    Thank you so much mate!! I'll give a try soon. Cheerssss grin

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