How to show the content of a value on the "display speaker text" action part? [SOLVED]

  • #1, by smac96Tuesday, 07. January 2014, 07:50 11 years ago
    Hi guys,

    This is the situation:

    - The main character has X amount of money in his wallet
    - The X amount of the money is tracked by a value called MONEY

    This is the question:

    Is there any way to show the content of the value MONEY inside the action part "display speaker text"?

    Concrete example:

    If I type the "W" button on the keyboard, then the action "display speaker text" starts and the amount of money left in the wallet of the main character of the game is shown.

    I don't need that the text turns out in something like this: "I have X money left" but I need something very simple like this: "X" (where X is the amount of money).

    Thank you in advance for your help smile


    97 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 07. January 2014, 11:53 11 years ago


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by smac96Tuesday, 07. January 2014, 12:19 11 years ago
    Thank you AFRLme! I will try to understand the wiki explanations you suggested me wink Great support as usual smile


    97 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeTuesday, 07. January 2014, 12:27 11 years ago
    I wrote them - shouldn't be too hard wink

    the examples you are looking for are in a block near bottom of conditions & values wiki page & in a block near middle of displayed text wiki page.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by smac96Tuesday, 07. January 2014, 12:51 11 years ago

    Thank you so much for your help! The wiki guide is very well made!!!

    Thank you again AFRLme!!! smile


    97 Posts

  • #6, by AlexTuesday, 07. January 2014, 13:04 11 years ago
    btw, I would recommend to display the value with an object text (don't forget to set the object text font in the game properties). With an object text you can display the text in your interface and you don't have to worry about a text pause. The text will be displayed until you explicitly hide it with an action part. Currently you must set the text again when your value changes.

    Great Poster

    378 Posts

  • #7, by smac96Tuesday, 07. January 2014, 13:09 11 years ago
    This is exactly what I just did smile


    97 Posts