How to Purchase

  • #1, by John BradshawTuesday, 27. December 2016, 17:21 8 years ago
    I am new to Visionaire Studio. So I thought I'd try it out and decided it would work for me, so decided to buy an Indie Licence and that's where the real adventure began!

    I clicked on the "buy now" button in the wiki-page which took me to a "404 page not found".  Bah - no room defined!  So I thought the wiki must be an old site.

    I went back to the starting home screen; clicked on the "licenses" menu on the main site, filled in the order form; clicked on 'paypal' option and then clicked the "checkout" button and then received a "500 Internal Error" and a whole load of cartridge exception errors with server folders not receiving the right parameters. Did I have the wrong payment card in my inventory? I tried the other options with more interesting errors.

    I tried 3 browsers on different machines before giving up!  I am not meant to have it, obviously :-)

    But since the above error, I just read on the forum that there is supposed to be a major new version 5.0 coming out in early 2017. So I guess it will be much safer for me to wait until that version is released first, so that I don't take an unecessary risk of incurring a further upgrade charge, maybe?

    So the server error probably did me a favour. Here's waiting patiently :-)


    PS: For Ref.

    Visionnaire Web Error

    500 - An error occured.
    Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
    bei siteface.module.ShopController.checkout(CheckoutObjectFinished checkoutObjectFinished) in G:\Webs\SightView\sitefaceModular\moduleShop\Controller\ShopController.cs:Zeile 933. 
    bei lambda_method(Closure , ControllerBase , Object[] ) 
    bei System.Web.Mvc.ReflectedActionDescriptor.Execute(ControllerContext controllerContext, IDictionary`2 parameters) 
    bei System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethod(ControllerContext controllerContext, ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor, IDictionary`2 parameters) 
    bei System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.<>c__DisplayClass15.b__12() 
    bei System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethodFilter(IActionFilter filter, ActionExecutingContext preContext, Func`1 continuation) 
    bei System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeAction(ControllerContext controllerContext, String actionName) 
    bei siteface.Default.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in G:\Webs\SightView\sitefaceModular\siteface\Default.aspx.cs:Zeile 106.


    5 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianTuesday, 27. December 2016, 20:21 8 years ago
    Does the 500 Internal Error message came from visionaire site or did you landed on paypal and got the error? For me i can continue to the paypal login and received no error until then.

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeTuesday, 27. December 2016, 22:11 8 years ago
    Aye, sorry aboot that! - sorry couldn't resist! grin

    The Visionaire Studio website was recently refurbished & I've forgotten to update the links on the wiki. Anyway, you buy via the licenses page on the new website. If you have any trouble purchasing then send Marvel a private message & he should be able to help you out.

    edit: just read your full post. The upgrade should be free - it's supposed to be a team decision (apparently), anyway my vote is free for 4.x license holders for multiple reasons which I have already specified in another thread.

    edit: I stand by what I said about contacting Thomas (Marvel) as another person recently had issues with purchasing as well & they contacted me through twitter & I put them onto Thomas who sorted it out for them.


    7285 Posts

  • #4, by John BradshawWednesday, 28. December 2016, 11:56 8 years ago
    Aye, sorry aboot that! - sorry couldn't resist! grin

    The Visionaire Studio website was recently refurbished & I've forgotten to update the links on the wiki. Anyway, you buy via the licenses page on the new website. If you have any trouble purchasing then send Marvel a private message & he should be able to help you out.

    edit: just read your full post. The upgrade should be free - it's supposed to be a team decision (apparently), anyway my vote is free for 4.x license holders for multiple reasons which I have already specified in another thread.

    edit: I stand by what I said about contacting Thomas (Marvel) as another person recently had issues with purchasing as well & they contacted me through twitter & I put them onto Thomas who sorted it out for them.
    Hey, Thanks for your support. 

    A good night's sleep and a retry via iOS (rather than windows) did the trick!  I must have some ad-blocker plugin or windows had some post Christmas blues. Thanks again.

    If I start using this  v4.2.5 from today, I will assume the next v5.0 will be backward compatible with the legacy data structures I am about to create, even if the new version may offer better options for grouping and storing such data.

    Right, I'm off to build castles...!



    5 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeWednesday, 28. December 2016, 12:43 8 years ago
    Yes, it should be backwards compatible. All versions have been so far, though you may have to adjust the odd minor thing to make them work correctly again potentially due to changes in the data structure / parameters - other than that you should be good to go. wink


    7285 Posts