#1, by AkcayKaraazmakTuesday, 08. September 2015, 11:16 10 years ago
Hello guys,
When user speaks (playing the sound file), I want to hide the cursor so user can not do anything before the sound file finishes? Hide cursor or something like that to prevent user, not to do anything till the sound stops.
#3, by afrlmeTuesday, 08. September 2015, 11:38 10 years ago
Well you could create a hide cursor action part just before a display text & a show cursor action part after the display text action... however it may prevent the players from being able to left click skip the display text.
Quick note: all actions listed after a display text or display narration text are automatically paused until the text has finished being displayed, unless the text is set as background text, which means the text runs in the background without pausing the action text & thus becomes unskippable.
#9, by afrlmeTuesday, 08. September 2015, 13:59 10 years ago
Yes cutscenes too, but the cutscene action part is skippable with the esc key. I'm not sure, but I don't think it would stop the current sound playing unless you added a stop sound action part after the end cutscene action part.