How to get in touch with Shaders?

  • #1, by crankshaft87Sunday, 25. October 2015, 13:31 10 years ago
    Hello everyone! I hope you had a nice weekend! smile My question is: How to deal with shaders in Visionaire at all? Is there some easy way to start handling around with them?


    20 Posts

  • #2, by tristan-kangSunday, 25. October 2015, 15:08 10 years ago
    Shaders looks like hard to use for beginner game developer but it's really not that hard.

    Have you followed the examples in here?

    Great Poster

    267 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeSunday, 25. October 2015, 18:56 10 years ago
    If you mean the pre-made functions of the shader toolkit, then check the wiki. If you mean writing custom functions / shaders then you will need to know C / GLSL or whatever it is written in.

    I recommend using the shader toolkit though as Simon as already done most of the hard work! wink


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